destinarel'8x1000 Signature for the Catholic Church? Do not sign the
perdestinare 8x1000 to the Catholic Church?
It takes all!
Most of the Italian taxpayer does not know the mechanism for distribution of funds dell'8x1000, that the same ADUC (Association for the rights of users econsumatori) do not hesitate to describe as "perverse".
In Italy only 35% of taxpayers to allocate esplicitamentel'8% or signature to one of the religious denominations that have agreements with the State (the Catholic Church, Waldensian, Jewish Communities, Lutheran, 7th Day Adventists, Assemblies of God) or to allocate those funds to the State.
But the rest of unspoken preferences is not intended to state, as many think ... is allocated in proportion!
Since then about 88% of those who signed it does for the Church Catholic automatically latter 's also he gets 88% of the rest of the cake even though no one has signed on to be devoted that money!
Many people think that by not signing for anyone, or 8% goes to the State .. But they are wrong is wrong!
Have you ever wondered why the state has a similar agreement with the Jehovah's Witnesses? O Muslims? O Hindus? Or maybe with the Buddhists? Simple ... The Church should share the cake with actors (as opposed to Catholics who sign when they remember, or tell him why ilcommercialista) sign all until the last ... This year the requests covered up by lying in a drawer of the political shift . While
however, happens to have special arrangements extreme minority of Christian denominations ... and of course the Jews, who as we all know NOT proselytize and therefore do not significantly increase in number.
That smarts!
Question: Assuming that everything was .... Why should not I still want the money 's 8x1000 go to the Catholic Church?
Does so much good in the world ... true? Allocation of funds stemming
dall'8x1000 IRPEF the Catholic Church for the year 2008 amounted to EUR 1,002,513,715.31 approved by the 58th General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference
Italianamarzo 2008
EUR 373,000,000.00 for the sustenance of clergy
EUR 424,513,715.31 for the purposes of worship and pastoral
160 000 000 110 000 000
the diocese for the construction of new churches
7 million for construction of canonical houses in southern Italy
68 million for protection and restoration of Church property
EUR 38,000,000.00 for the purposes of worship and ministry of national
EUR 32,513,715.31 for catechesis and Christian education
EUR 9,000,000.00 to EUR 205,000,000.00
Regional Ecclesiastical Courts for charitable projects, which Diocese
90 million to 30 million for charitable needs of national
85 million for interventions in Third World countries They put up
spot that cost hundreds of thousands of euro and you propinano smiling faces or tears of the poor around the world, with young and stalwart pretiche say "we do so for many" and in the meantime they peck to 1 billion EURO 'year ...
PERO 'the poor of the Third World give the crumbs ...
1bn over 85 million is about 8, 5% !!!!!!!!!!!
the rest of the money and where does it go?
course say "are always 120 million euro to the poor Italians" But there is no detailed report on who pays for WHAT ABOUT, perchèil Vatican is a sovereign state that does not make it to Italy ... this account says the Concordat.
But I wonder and I ask you: If all this money, that is more than 1 billion euros per year were allocated directly to Welfare, rather than work-based welfare as we all know - mainly on the workforce VOLONTARINON IS BETTER?
Another question you're whisking in the head ... "Yes vabbe 'but the Church uses 68 million euro for the restoration of churches that still attract tourism, ... bla bla bla"
Really?! then ... you will chelo Italy was pleased to hear the Vatican pay the costs of: - Water (the annual bill is around 25m euro) - Electricity-Gas-fuel and waste water disposal (who dwells in Rome knows it all right if you know ... , since their pay) Transport .. also set against the clergy pension fund, the salaries of teachers of Catholic religion (the bishop's employees but paid by the State ... started in the fast lane of professors to be found in more shame Berlusconi's government), the cost of other events and tours of the pope in Italy and abroad (The sums in the hundreds of millions of euro) ... not counting all the money that the Church does not pay taxes, starting with ICI, because ... "The Vatican is a sovereign unostato and does not pay taxes to other states," In total, the 8x1000, the hole swallows the Vatican each year more than 9 billion euros!
And in return we pass from hand to 120 million in charitable works, plus a few pedophile priests most of which are only moved and not even tried.
There is nothing else to say
What can we do? Not much unfortunately ...
But somewhere you can start ... You can choose to SIGN 8x1000 without caring: a conscious choice, whatever it is, is a good choice.
- Roberto Cherubini
perdestinare 8x1000 to the Catholic Church?
It takes all!
Most of the Italian taxpayer does not know the mechanism for distribution of funds dell'8x1000, that the same ADUC (Association for the rights of users econsumatori) do not hesitate to describe as "perverse".
In Italy only 35% of taxpayers to allocate esplicitamentel'8% or signature to one of the religious denominations that have agreements with the State (the Catholic Church, Waldensian, Jewish Communities, Lutheran, 7th Day Adventists, Assemblies of God) or to allocate those funds to the State.
But the rest of unspoken preferences is not intended to state, as many think ... is allocated in proportion!
Since then about 88% of those who signed it does for the Church Catholic automatically latter 's also he gets 88% of the rest of the cake even though no one has signed on to be devoted that money!
Many people think that by not signing for anyone, or 8% goes to the State .. But they are wrong is wrong!
Have you ever wondered why the state has a similar agreement with the Jehovah's Witnesses? O Muslims? O Hindus? Or maybe with the Buddhists? Simple ... The Church should share the cake with actors (as opposed to Catholics who sign when they remember, or tell him why ilcommercialista) sign all until the last ... This year the requests covered up by lying in a drawer of the political shift . While
however, happens to have special arrangements extreme minority of Christian denominations ... and of course the Jews, who as we all know NOT proselytize and therefore do not significantly increase in number.
That smarts!
Question: Assuming that everything was .... Why should not I still want the money 's 8x1000 go to the Catholic Church?
Does so much good in the world ... true? Allocation of funds stemming
dall'8x1000 IRPEF the Catholic Church for the year 2008 amounted to EUR 1,002,513,715.31 approved by the 58th General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference
Italianamarzo 2008
EUR 373,000,000.00 for the sustenance of clergy
EUR 424,513,715.31 for the purposes of worship and pastoral
160 000 000 110 000 000
the diocese for the construction of new churches
7 million for construction of canonical houses in southern Italy
68 million for protection and restoration of Church property
EUR 38,000,000.00 for the purposes of worship and ministry of national
EUR 32,513,715.31 for catechesis and Christian education
EUR 9,000,000.00 to EUR 205,000,000.00
Regional Ecclesiastical Courts for charitable projects, which Diocese
90 million to 30 million for charitable needs of national
85 million for interventions in Third World countries They put up
spot that cost hundreds of thousands of euro and you propinano smiling faces or tears of the poor around the world, with young and stalwart pretiche say "we do so for many" and in the meantime they peck to 1 billion EURO 'year ...
PERO 'the poor of the Third World give the crumbs ...
1bn over 85 million is about 8, 5% !!!!!!!!!!!
the rest of the money and where does it go?
course say "are always 120 million euro to the poor Italians" But there is no detailed report on who pays for WHAT ABOUT, perchèil Vatican is a sovereign state that does not make it to Italy ... this account says the Concordat.
But I wonder and I ask you: If all this money, that is more than 1 billion euros per year were allocated directly to Welfare, rather than work-based welfare as we all know - mainly on the workforce VOLONTARINON IS BETTER?
Another question you're whisking in the head ... "Yes vabbe 'but the Church uses 68 million euro for the restoration of churches that still attract tourism, ... bla bla bla"
Really?! then ... you will chelo Italy was pleased to hear the Vatican pay the costs of: - Water (the annual bill is around 25m euro) - Electricity-Gas-fuel and waste water disposal (who dwells in Rome knows it all right if you know ... , since their pay) Transport .. also set against the clergy pension fund, the salaries of teachers of Catholic religion (the bishop's employees but paid by the State ... started in the fast lane of professors to be found in more shame Berlusconi's government), the cost of other events and tours of the pope in Italy and abroad (The sums in the hundreds of millions of euro) ... not counting all the money that the Church does not pay taxes, starting with ICI, because ... "The Vatican is a sovereign unostato and does not pay taxes to other states," In total, the 8x1000, the hole swallows the Vatican each year more than 9 billion euros!
And in return we pass from hand to 120 million in charitable works, plus a few pedophile priests most of which are only moved and not even tried.
There is nothing else to say
What can we do? Not much unfortunately ...
But somewhere you can start ... You can choose to SIGN 8x1000 without caring: a conscious choice, whatever it is, is a good choice.
- Roberto Cherubini
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