Marras, pride and bitterness The marathon runner with six bypass
Tarozzi Marco and Marco Merlini Silvino
Marras, there really is a deal to sell the personal property of Bologna? "More than my property is an issue. Personality traits. And in fact, negotiations are two. " Work on the front
bolognese? "No, not even on the Italian. They are warning to go to London, there is a large group with whom I'm talking for some time, known through intermediaries. Mandaric has nothing to do though. Ever known. But it is big stuff, yes. The other is a European group with diversified interests, which come in Italian football, with tremendous financial opportunity. Ten times Abramovich, for understand. They sent me an email, I checked all over after the burn because the brokers do not trust anybody anymore. They expect a response within forty-eight hours. " People
fasting football? "No. Already have experience in English football. But not in person, not owners. In more secluded location. "
What are the chances that the deal go through? "Today I say a ten or fifteen percent."
Why is fighting again for Bologna? "Porcedda Because when I called I did not even want to go back in football. But his project has excited me. After the no of Siena and Lecce, Bologna seemed the right occasion. Like a beautiful woman, not only in terms of aesthetics but also intellectual. I thought of the city, the glory of this company. Comuque I do to win, I'm still working for the good of Bologna. "
Porcedda later regretted? "When I looked at the numbers, I realized that with a careful plan there would have been the basis for an important project. We still believe, the numbers do not refute them to me no one, not even in Intermedia. Then, of course, Sergio sin lightly. I asked him if he was sure he had the potential to leave, I said, I can certainly ".
never had any doubts? "He had a series of real estate and financial transactions that would have allowed us to obtain the amount that I had proposed."
What? "I have always talked about 15 million of cash in the first year, maximum 20, to be safe. But many things did not work, operations sled with finance goes well, you can not have certainty on the timing. When the problem has exploded Ekdal, Rubin and Garics the eve of the championship before I spent an afternoon to sort things out at the last minute, and I realized that something was not working. I could resign, after that problem, and leave it at peace. "
Why did not he do that? "Why Sergio is a friend, because he acted in good faith and now I do not want to leave him alone. As long as I breathe, I want to try to resolve this situation. "
's still believes his plan to raise? "Always. When we arrived the problem was that the number of engagements of close to 100% of company revenues. Menarini I had to replenish their coffers with matching contributions. Imprudence, in this world, and have admitted them as well. We have lowered his salary to 27 million. We were reaching a balance. Next year we'd go in a draw, year after profitable. Without the old debt, this formula is true even today. If today I am an entrepreneur give 15 million, replacing the guarantees, we would quietly to the initial project. "
How much are the debts? "Approximately 33 million."
What do you think of the draft Intermedia? "I have some doubts, frankly. In the world of football is hard to think of when you are in group two, imagine if the talking heads are multiplying. "
Around the Bologna issue in recent years, has always hovered over the one linked to the construction of the stadium. Was important for you? "It was not the priority. In fact, we thought of selling the right to build. Instead I had already moved to give rise to a technical center, because what Casteldebole is inadequate. And I want to clarify that I never said it sucks, but so inadequate: there are fields, locker rooms, especially a guest, I would save on rent, retreats and hotels. I discussed two weeks ago by Lori Ropa, Mayor of Anzola. When I tossed the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding "Anzolello", as we did in Assemini for Cagliari, I felt involved. The idea was to do so arise Tavernelle. On the territory we were working well. "
Relations with the City of Bologna? "Good, friendly. I also pointed out that the stadium there are many activities that have nothing to do with Bologna, but they have a social value. But in a year are € 250 thousand of users that fall on Bologna. I proposed a solution, a sort of condominium in which all contribute, and who had not means it would have been helped by the city. I found sensitivity, volomtà to resolve the issue. But the suppliers had agreed to defer payment. In short, I began to see a balance as possible. "
Instead you are in the storm. The salaries of the players, to say: who pays? "Intermedia has agreed to take action, but I know that Porcedda is trying to find the nearly three million people take to the net. And I know for sure that if he finds them quickly, they put him. "
Ramirez may return to Penarol? "It 's one of our players, but there potrebero be pesni financial sanctions by the FIFA. But now there are no disputes, no deadlines imposed. "
Did you feel abandoned, in your way? "Yes, sometimes. To say, as soon as established, two banks that worked with the Bologna we have closed the door in his face, another historically close to the company there offered a hand. Today I'd understand, but why? I do not explain it. "
Marras, how do you feel now? "Today I feel defeated, because I came here to do something nice, and there I thought. I did not succeed, but do not give up until I have a little hope. And even if all were to leave the boat, I do not feel. I do not think that the Bologna fail, but if you ever happen to me I would play a career that has always been clear. I have a dignity, and I want to keep it. And fight again for Bologna. "
The Information of Bologna, November 26, 2010