unanimously the provincial government of Ancona, Patrizia Casagrande haapprovato chaired by the president in recent days, an agenda that clearly condemns the government's policy on immigration and censorship intemal statements of the Prime Minister. "When - Patrizia Casagrande says lapresidente - Chairman of the Board says they do not want un'Italiamultietnica, clearly shows the share of verbal abuse to which we have abituatoesponenti of his government, helping to legitimize the racist climate that is spreading nelpaese. The most serious statements which have been going these days, they do but a culturadell'odio and intolerance ... cynically profiting on the fate of hundreds of essereumani fleeing war and persecution, not just violate the Constitution and republican ildiritto international but does it mean to deface the political culture of our country and the values \u200b\u200bof peace, justice and solidarity that constitute its essence. "
Here The text of 'order of the provincial government giornoapprovato:
"WHEREAS Chela Italian Constitution and laws of many sources internazionalericonoscono law and guarantee fundamental human rights and humanitarian protection in war and persecution personeinfuga
TAKEN ATTOdegli events of recent days, related to refusal of migrants rescued damotovedette Coast Guard and the Financial Police in the maritime area SAR (Search andrescue) of the Maltese and brought back to Libya without proper evaluation of their possibilinecessità of international protection;
CONSIDERED plausible that, as reported UNHCR (UN High Commissioner Uniteper irifugiati), among the people rejected there are individuals in need of humanitarian protection, Asthe dastatistiche made in 2008 about 75% of those who came to Italy by sea hafattorichiesta of asylum, 50 % of these received some sort of international protection;
CONSIDERATOche migrants were returned to Libya, a country that has not signed the Geneva Refugee allaConvenzione and, therefore, does not have a system and makes it difficult nazionaled'asiloefficiente the action of humanitarian organizations; ATTOche SINCE the work of the Italian government is part of a precise plan when they enter strategicoculturale fully the rules on security decree and the constant violence that members of the majority verbalecon legitimize the racist climate that is spreading in nostropaese;
serious account the latest statements by the chairman of the board, who did not want dapprimaaffermato multiethnic Italy , feeding the intolerant culture of hatred confrontidei migrants who are attacking our company and then, demonstrating astonishing superficiality, said that there are subjects with requirements for requesting asylum chevengono among those rescued at sea;
GIVEN the strong stand of the European Council condemns the policy of governoitaliano immigration; considered all of the above: The Provincial Government
1. considers that the rejection of migrants to Libya is an act of barbarism that violates the principifondamentali enshrined in the Constitution and international standards and also affect human ladignità of every citizen, legitimizing the violation of fundamental rights neglianni won, which today is the opposite strength of arrogance;
2. Urges the Italian authorities so that this practice does not happen again because it puts at risk the international system diprotezione both in Italy and in Europe;
3. supporting the principles multicultural society that characterize Marche will step lebuone and practices towards a culture of inclusion, solidarity and respect for fundamental rights, strettacollaborazione with local authorities and the voluntary sector in the area;
4. adheres to the National Campaign against racism, indifference and fear of the title "Do not be afraid, open yourself to others, open to the rights" promoted by the major Italian civil organizations dellasocietà dealing with migrants and refugees, by signing the 'appeal that allegain copy to this Act;
5. Urges the Italian Government to review its immigration policy, while fully respecting dellaCarta Constitution and rules of international law and to take note that the value of multiculturalism Eun essential for the growth of any democratic society.
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