Mark Taron
"There are many, unfortunately, have forgotten Antibes. speaks in third person, Toto, and he does not immodesty. If there is one that does not weigh what it was, a piece of history of our athletic he is. Salvatore Antibo from Alton, the sample was not afraid that the talents of Africa, he challenged them and addressed them in the eyes watching them, who could speak their language. He needs, quell'incipit in the third person, gives strength and value to a discourse of noble rage. Did you feel pushed aside, a bit 'at a time, after the bloody end. 10,000 m World Tokyo: it was the first and finished last, not understanding. And when he understood, he spoke without hesitation. Epilepsy.
"I think I'm the only top athletes to have publicly acknowledged his illness. It was not an easy step, because all around epilepsy There is a centuries old tradition of misinformation, beliefs, and even superstitions. In my case, I could no longer offer Antibo that everyone knew and wanted to see. I've tried to do that, and again a year after Tokyo, under medication, I finished fourth in an Olympic Games in Barcelona. It was no mean feat, but I knew it could not last. " The other
Toto is what after that night to forget continued to fight on a completely different face. "Even against the allegations. They said they knew and hid. But the real story of my illness is simple: three years I was struck by a car, I stayed eight days in a coma and when I recovered the doctors said that an adult would have been subject to such problems. But it did not happen, so I was able to manage a career as a high-level athlete. Then, in '89, I had another car accident. Fortunately, mild, but I hit my head and apparently woke up this issue. The truth is that Tokyo was the first major event of my illness, and I did not immediately interpreted for what it was. " The other
Toto is what we still fought on new fronts, with the charge coming down the track. What do you testimonials of high school, the Italian League Against Epilepsy, to mass demonstrations. "Why is it now that the fear of speaking is defeat. There are parents who keep their children hidden, close them at home, not send them to play with other kids. Who are ashamed of this situation. Epilepsy is a disease, can be treated and kept under control. And children deserve and need to be outdoors, to live together, to make the move. There must be different. For this I go on the pitch, where they call me. "
knows well that if there is one thing they need is an epileptic not to be left alone. Even in everyday life. "Sure, it hurts to think that my younger son, who is six years, see his father during a crisis. But when it happens, he's the first one to help me. And that ties us even more deeply. Also in the race I can not do alone, as I was often during training when I was "quell'Antibo. I always have to have someone close. But I have not given up, God forbid. I have never surrendered to the Africans, I do so badly in front of a coward? No way: I go four more times a week, about six miles to grind session. And with me there is always another Toto, a friend of Alton whose family name is Di Matteo and sessantun'anni. Run with me's like, and it helps me immensely. Even from the psychological point of view. "
The past, the one full of lights, is still fresh in memory. The gold European 5000 and 10,000 in Split, the Olympic silver in Seoul on 10000. And yes, that fourth place in Barcelona that bears witness to the strength of his will, his character from the fighting. But does not live on memories, Toto. In fact, he thinks bitterly to the fact that his records on the track are among the oldest of Italian. "He produced the 5000 set at the Golden Gala in '90, the year when it moved to Bologna. Even that of the 10,000 a year earlier, in Helsinki. I do not do a source of pride: I wish there was an Italian can beat them. But the situation is what it is. Delicate and difficult. Why? Do not want to sound argumentative, but I think the military approach to society is wrong. They are important, they give young people a chance for the future. I also chose the Flames Gold, in my day. We stayed two years, then decided I wanted to be champion in my house and went back to Palermo Cus. I'm not saying that everyone should think like that, but for many athletes now docking at a military group has become a point of arrival, as it should be a starting point. "
Runner's World, October 2010
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