Mark Taron
did not like swimming. I just do not digested. In his life, Nicholas Bensi had chewed a lot of sports. Eleven years of basketball played at good levels, so motocross with friends, a passion for football. But swimming, never mind. "I was afloat, that's all. But I took it. For me, swim meant going to give up when the heat was unbearable in the summer ".
This, however, was the next life. Before the accident. That Saturday in September of 2004 Nicholas was a happy boy. He was 19 years and two days earlier had passed the test for admission to the school as a physiotherapist. While dreaming of the future, he found himself coming to terms with this. A fall, just on a motocross track, suddenly changed his life. The hospital made him understand that he should spend life in a wheelchair.
"Darkness, course. The first day I had a sense of bewilderment rather than anger. The first step I did when I was told that to become a physiotherapist all was not lost. I spoke with Professor Gasbarrini, which I had done. I said, you can do. And he did it to keep my spirits up. We believed, and I rekindled enthusiasm. "
Montecatone nine months, learning to use the wheelchair, then lost five more hip operation. And finally rebirth. The school, which had been waiting, the doors opened. And in the summer of 2009 became the first disabled Bensi degree in physical therapy in Italy. "Today I work at the regional center of Roncati Court. I realize to go fast in empathy with patients. Maybe it helps to know that their pain I know that I've been there too. "
Swimming is back on stage in the days of rehabilitation. "I saw that everything was better in water, without gravity are like any other. physical recovery, his back did not make me more harm. Then, suddenly, it sparks' .
pure passion. Grown into a company, Atletico H, which grows and strives to provide opportunities for its athletes (the last in chronological order: the three-year collaboration initiated with the main sponsor Manutencoop Facility Management), funded by a trained technician as Daniele Naldi . "A true fan, you send what you feel about that discipline. You would not feel the vibrations. Now we are in, fully involved, and reached goals that I have a couple of years ago I would have even imagined. " The world finals of the 50 breaststroke in Eindhoven, for example. There, for the first time, Nicholas found himself face to face with the best of the specialty. "I came eighth, and maybe thinking of something better. But it was a great experience, I will. I'm growing, I have improved in the 50 butterfly staff of ten seconds in two months. Then, in the pool every time I looked around it was to shudder. There were around three thousand people, There was a TV to pick up. Something new and huge for me. "
Yet this World Championships is just one step. Nicholas has now raised the bar, and the goal is further away in time. "I should hide and say that here at the Paralympic Games in London is no time? I'd be a liar. Of course what extent this goal, and I will not get there just to participate. I train eight times a week in summer, twelve. I do not mind, because I have a goal ahead. For someone who hated swimming, I do not think a little ... "The Information
Bologna, September 29, 2010
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