Mark Taron
A quick lunch and after hours in the first restaurant at hand that still accepts customers at two-thirty in the afternoon . Via della Zecca Via Montegrappa, two steps on foot to breathe the air of Bologna and collect the first support. Because the news has spread and he Giovanni Consorte, now feels very at ease in the role of savior of rossoblù fate.
"It was a long and complicated negotiations, more than I thought. Yesterday evening, very late, we finished the work of a month. I must say the veirtà? I never expected to get to this level of concern. But it does not matter anymore. There is an agreement. Now the Board will approve the financial statements at June 30, then the shareholders' meeting ratifying the capital increase. "
All set for the same date: this Thursday, December 23. Meanwhile, you look in the face of those who have embraced the cause. And he, the man who ferried to the Bologna Massimo Zanetti , there will be.
"I was almost obliged. Tomorrow (today for the reader, ed) there will be a meeting in Bologna, 2010, the new company that will be the controlling shareholder of the Bologna FC 1909. And I'll be present to what extent. "
Zanetti come with 35% of the shares. Others will have lower percentages, but Consort has not abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200ba sort of public company that involves the fans for a total share of around 5%. It is to think about it, and above all to organize a project. In this Sunday with the final brake pulled, the great manipulator takes a look at everything that has happened. Twists and tail included.
"there were difficult moments. I could not understand how close the game with the other party, but it is ever hopeless or discouraged. It was important to go to Bologna and the city. And to save a few hundred jobs, I might add. But now you say it's merit of Spouse: Multimedia we are committed to many, because this would go into port. "
The other party, in fact. Sergio Porcedda has tried to the last. Seemed determined to find anyone who was not named Consort.
"He hoped until the last in other ways, most convenient for him. He made his race ... But other attempts would be sterile and useless talk. It was clear early on that to save the Bologna it took 13 million cash, and had to fix that before the debts of the company. At this thought Porcedda and Menarini. The President will pay 7.6 million, as was his due, Menarini will make it 4 more. Through real estate. This was a necessary step to close the budget, now the recapitalization will be fully updated by the new company. "
It was not easy. Over the past three days, the work was intense. Despite Porcedda play on multiple tables. Chasing Mian, receiving (Saturday afternoon) Claudio Sabatini .
"The biggest concerns I have had at the beginning of the adventure. It was an undertaking to close the budget to 2010 and make explicit claims. We have solved everything, down to these three days, 1 .30 on Sunday when he finished the last document. With an appendix, another mini-treaty that made us close at 13.50.
The future is now. "And Bologna should start talking with other people. The City, the service providers. Must make a good budget, respecting the rule that the cost of all the staff can not exceed 60% of revenues. Needs to close without using the rights of the Sky 2011-12. The new stadium? It is not relevant, I believe that the Dall'Ara is a large facility, and I think the stadiums in the city. But write it: This is a work of love towards Bologna, not about the policy nor the real estate interests. "
The Information of Bologna, December 20, 2010
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