Friday, December 10, 2010

I Found A Safenet Sentinel Usb

HAPPY HOUR YOUTH Sunday, December 19 at 18.30 blob

you're all invited to attend our informational aperitif Sunday, December 19 at 18.30 at the BLOB (Via Maestranza, the former Odeon cinema).

this drink is a way to talk to us about what we do and what we do in the coming months. It 's also a way to introduce our new partnership, "Palazzolo Informagiovani Acreide" circle Giosefo ( ), because we believe in the international mobility as an opportunity for growth.
meeting will be: Unless
Signorelli Pres-Look Youth
Lorenzo Floresta-Pres. Italy National Giosefo
Friends of Enna Giosefo
anyone who has something to say.

will follow the screening of the short film "tomato" in collaboration with the forum.

\\ DURING THE EVENT WILL 'CAN BECOME A SPONSOR OF microcredit projects in the world through KIVA ( )

you expect


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