Saturday, July 4, 2009

How To Get Rainbow Puffle In Club Penguin


published an interesting article by Margiotta:

A study of American humanity could live with only the wind

June 24, 2009. A study published in the journal of the American Academy of Science PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), Michael McElroy (professor of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University in Boston), mankind could only survive by using wind energy: an efficient enough system of blades on American soil to cover the entire world demand. According

the calculation made by the experts would take a network of wind turbines of 2.5 megawatts of power (located so as not to damage the environment or in non-forest areas, where there are no glaciers in non-urban areas), which is working just 20% of their capacity to produce a quantity of energy equal to
more than 40 times the current global consumption of electricity, more than five times the total energy consumption in all its forms. The excess energy could also make the price go down, opening up new prospects for other green technologies such as electric cars. Today the wind is 42% of all new installed capacity in the U.S. in 2008 but remains a minority fraction of the total production of energy.

The study was done on the basis of simulations of wind fields using data provided by the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5 DAS). Sectioning the globe in areas of approximately 3300 km square each, the researchers calculated the wind speed in non-urban areas, non-forest and no ice. So they have identified the potential amount of electricity produced by wind turbines, based on wind speed, air density, the distance between the turbines and the size of the propellers. Thus, concludes the survey, a network of 2.5-megawatt turbines that power to operate just 20% their ability to produce a sufficient amount of energy sufficient to meet the overall requirements.

In Italy the wind, the main renewable source, can contribute to the reduction of foreign energy dependence and increasing energy security, especially with regard to the electronics industry. An alternative scenario should seek to meet its Kyoto commitments and reduce dependence on energy, promoting energy efficiency measures, exploiting the high potential for reducing consumption, focus on development of renewable sources, the use of natural gas as a transition fuel replacing the oil without increasing the consumption of coal.

This would allow an increase in employment and re-directing part of the production system on technologies and local resources. In this sense, the use of nuclear energy, given the unresolved problems of radioactive waste, high costs and long lead times necessary to realize a significant fleet of plants, it is not a viable solution. It should, however, improving all renewables, including wind power currently represents today the only major potential to increase electricity generated from renewable sources within the next decade.

The only limit is that related to potential visual impacts in case of operations not included in the landscape and realized in the absence guidelines and in areas not suitable. And 'necessary, therefore, a rigorous site selection for use in wind turbines which to focus. In fact, the territory occupied by the towers is perfectly usable for other purposes (agriculture, livestock, etc. ...), and at the end of the production cycle of the initiative all the facilities and wind facilities are eliminated and the land can be traced back to initial conditions
Domenico Margiotta

Where To The Simpsons Do The Washing

Tremonti Minister ... a "cooked"

up an interview with Minister Tremonti Raitre, speaking of a possible caretaker government has tried to use a metaphor sponsoring YOMO. He
fact that "a government engineer would last as a Yomo ". All the newspapers reported
Yogurt instead Yomo, no one has pointed out that a big spot like a Minister of the Republic should avoid it .... But we are in Italy!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What Kind Of Gift For A Stroke Victim

. That moment in history!

very difficult to define this historical moment.
What I think is more serious than in the past 15 years has been significantly raised the bar of the "moral".
The Prince and his Schiavetto (Ghedini) have convinced the country that behavior immoral and against all ethics is not such if it has no offense.
is then that the President Sacca called Rai and forced him to put in a television series a "slut" instead of a good actress, in any country of the European public opinion would go in turmoil and the president he would resign in shame from us ... beef.
I think it's useless to get angry, you only need to understand the reasons for all this ... I've got my own explanation: in the past 15 years, commercial television, which today is also appended to the Rai, have provided models of happiness totally unreal . The model is the model Berlusconi, unscrupulous businessman who is enriched by bribing the Guardia di Finanza and asking the support of the parties (the Socialist in the first place). 50 years ago, a man so it would be a failure climber, especially after his wife leaves him for 73 years!
Today is a myth because it represents the "cunning" that has made money, why television has explained to everyone that the most important thing in life is money and the ability to consume.
I am ashamed of this country, I am ashamed to host in our country, especially a church that welcomed this' man saying, "finally has changed the air" translates to "they certainly do not talk about a living will, will never speak to tell you, there fill with money, perhaps eliminate abortion legal. ...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Maytag Performa Scape Water

Minister with BAC too high? Internet = Freedom

I read in a newspaper that at a conference in Rimini
Brambilla says "we need to remove the restriction of selling alcohol after 2 am because otherwise the tourists are not young."

He had the brain from hen we already knew but did use alcohol prior to the conference did not know!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

When Do I Know If My Period Is Done

In the twentieth century, man has invented a lot of undeniably improve the quality of life.
The last great invention, in order of time, is undoubtedly the Internet. The
NETWORK is hailed by some and deprecated by others.
As with all things in life I believe that the Net can be extraordinarily useful or useless depending on how you used it.
It is a demonstration of the current Chinese government's attempt to force the introduction of a filter on all personal computers in China.
The filter, which would pass for a "block porn sites", in reality it also blocks Arre discussion, a massive reaction of the Chinese is forcing the government to make the filter "optional".

This shows that if the network is used in the right way is an extraordinary tool that allows anyone to be able to inform or educate. The
Television has destroyed forcing the mind, without choice, to accept everything that is being proposed. The Net, by its nature, gives ample space to the discussion and allows everyone to get an idea about a subject.

Who opposes head down I do it for a subjective difficulties in using it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Win The Lost At Any Cost.lyrisc

All the sea?!?!

Italy was for many years a popular destination for foreigners and not.
Our Sea, our places of culture, our mountains are unique in the world.
30 years ago, we were arguably the first country in the world for tourism, we are now in 6th place!
To understand why some are not statistics but it is enough to travel to a seaside resort or sit at a table in a restaurant by the sea or mountains.
Seaside everything has been "privatized" making it almost unreachable areas free bathing for an umbrella and a deck can also be reached to pay 50 € (Amalfi Coast).
If we decide to go to a restaurant should be badget close to the salary of an employee.
policy of the "cunning of the neighborhood." in vogue with us for three decades, there is now presenting the bill: Germans, Scandinavians, Americans, Chinese prefer other destinations, primarily in Greece and Spain, for the simple fact that you do not feel cheated.
Spain has overtaken us all and this is a sensational case in that when we in the 70 millions of visitors they had a dictatorship!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Piewood Debry Star Wars Templates

Too cute ....

External Harddrive Lg Lcd

anyone still thinks ...


unanimously the provincial government of Ancona, Patrizia Casagrande haapprovato chaired by the president in recent days, an agenda that clearly condemns the government's policy on immigration and censorship intemal statements of the Prime Minister. "When - Patrizia Casagrande says lapresidente - Chairman of the Board says they do not want un'Italiamultietnica, clearly shows the share of verbal abuse to which we have abituatoesponenti of his government, helping to legitimize the racist climate that is spreading nelpaese. The most serious statements which have been going these days, they do but a culturadell'odio and intolerance ... cynically profiting on the fate of hundreds of essereumani fleeing war and persecution, not just violate the Constitution and republican ildiritto international but does it mean to deface the political culture of our country and the values \u200b\u200bof peace, justice and solidarity that constitute its essence. "

Here The text of 'order of the provincial government giornoapprovato:

"WHEREAS Chela Italian Constitution and laws of many sources internazionalericonoscono law and guarantee fundamental human rights and humanitarian protection in war and persecution personeinfuga


TAKEN ATTOdegli events of recent days, related to refusal of migrants rescued damotovedette Coast Guard and the Financial Police in the maritime area SAR (Search andrescue) of the Maltese and brought back to Libya without proper evaluation of their possibilinecessità of international protection;

CONSIDERED plausible that, as reported UNHCR (UN High Commissioner Uniteper irifugiati), among the people rejected there are individuals in need of humanitarian protection, Asthe dastatistiche made in 2008 about 75% of those who came to Italy by sea hafattorichiesta of asylum, 50 % of these received some sort of international protection;

CONSIDERATOche migrants were returned to Libya, a country that has not signed the Geneva Refugee allaConvenzione and, therefore, does not have a system and makes it difficult nazionaled'asiloefficiente the action of humanitarian organizations; ATTOche SINCE the work of the Italian government is part of a precise plan when they enter strategicoculturale fully the rules on security decree and the constant violence that members of the majority verbalecon legitimize the racist climate that is spreading in nostropaese;

serious account the latest statements by the chairman of the board, who did not want dapprimaaffermato multiethnic Italy , feeding the intolerant culture of hatred confrontidei migrants who are attacking our company and then, demonstrating astonishing superficiality, said that there are subjects with requirements for requesting asylum chevengono among those rescued at sea;

GIVEN the strong stand of the European Council condemns the policy of governoitaliano immigration; considered all of the above: The Provincial Government

1. considers that the rejection of migrants to Libya is an act of barbarism that violates the principifondamentali enshrined in the Constitution and international standards and also affect human ladignità of every citizen, legitimizing the violation of fundamental rights neglianni won, which today is the opposite strength of arrogance;

2. Urges the Italian authorities so that this practice does not happen again because it puts at risk the international system diprotezione both in Italy and in Europe;

3. supporting the principles multicultural society that characterize Marche will step lebuone and practices towards a culture of inclusion, solidarity and respect for fundamental rights, strettacollaborazione with local authorities and the voluntary sector in the area;

4. adheres to the National Campaign against racism, indifference and fear of the title "Do not be afraid, open yourself to others, open to the rights" promoted by the major Italian civil organizations dellasocietà dealing with migrants and refugees, by signing the 'appeal that allegain copy to this Act;

5. Urges the Italian Government to review its immigration policy, while fully respecting dellaCarta Constitution and rules of international law and to take note that the value of multiculturalism Eun essential for the growth of any democratic society.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

White Creamy Diarrhea In Toddlers

extraordinary letter from a priest. But he says

09 05 31 Farinella Bagnasco up to Berlusconi
Dear Mr. Cardinal,
live in the same city and we belong to the Church herself: her bishop, I am a priest. She is also head of the Italian bishops, sharing 50% between Genoa and Rome. In Genoa it is said that she is not much involved in the life of the diocese in Rome and probably say the same in reverse. It 's the fate of the salesmen and a percentage of the cardinals. With this public document, I turn to 50% of the cardinal who is the President of the CEI, but even 50% of which is the cardinal bishop of Genoa because the choices of the first to fall directly affecting the people of his city.
I read his inaugural address at the 59th General Assembly of the CEI (24-29 May 2009) and also his press conference on May 29, 2009. I was struck by the delicacy, as if the trouble which he has dealt with - or rather did not deal with - the moral (or immoral?) That invests in our country because of the conduct of the Prime Minister, now proven unequivocally: habitual a minor, perjury on children, use of falsehood as a tool Government, planning lie in the mass media under control, such as slander political struggle.
you and the Secretary of the IEC have toned down the words until broth diluted with drinkable even by novices in a convent. Yet the allegations are serious and reliable sources: the wife's husband publicly accused the Chairman of the "minors attend," states that must be treated "like a sick man," described him as "the dragon which must be offered in sacrifice virgins' . The interviews published by one (sic) Italian newspaper in the desert dell'omertà of all others and by almost all the foreign press, confirmed beyond any doubt that the prime minister lied shamelessly the nation and continues to lie about his judicial processes, sull'inazione of his government and his pedophilia. A decree of a court of first instance has certified that he is corrupting witnesses called to court and use the lie as a means of ordinary life and government. And yet you boast of Catholic morality: God, Country, Family. In a compliant TV has turned into his own private affair into a public use it for electoral purposes, without any restraint and institutional ethics.
you, Mr. Cardinal, presents the teachings of the bishops (and the Pope) as the guarantor of moral, centered on the person and family values, yet neither she nor the bishops have said a word to clear a man, head of the government, which has led our people to the lowest level of moral degradation, enhancing the instincts of seduction, strength / smarts and individual selfishness. The bishops attending the moral decay of the country blind and mute, unvoiced, buried in a fog of incense, which prevents them from seeing the "truth" that is the stark "reality." Your attitude is a recidivist because you used the same language with harmless the rejection of immigrants in violation of all the dictates of law and ethics and the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, with which the government is usually gargle to your satisfaction and for your joke. You have done a blizzard against cohabitation (I say) and protections attached, you did fail in a referendum in the name of the highest "non-negotiable principles" and now you have nothing else to say except that your little words are "for all", that is for anyone.
The people of faith and believing otherwise is divided into two categories: the bewildered and resigned. The first do not understand why you have not spared slapped all'integerrimo and practicing Catholic, Prof. Romano Prodi, while carrying out any immorality of Berlusconi. Do not give an acquittal might have, where you strive to point out that in the field of ethics you "speak for all"? This allows you to blank expression not to appoint any individual to save the goat and the general moral (ie, immorality) cabbage and substantial interest in which you are involved: in the same interview she made the request for increased funding for private schools, paying for itself in relation to the two facts. And 'maybe a warning that unless there's funding, you are ready to download the current majority government is standing by virtue of the Catholic vote atheists? Many began to leave the Church and to devote the 8xmille to other religions: you surely know that the tenders to the Catholic Church continued to decline, must, however, know that teaching is a direct consequence of the nonexistent Cei that changed the prophecy in diplomacy in servility, and the truth.
Catholics resigned because they claim that they are even worse if the bishops did not condemn Berlusconi and Berlusconi, then it is not serious and go over accusations of pedophilia, sexual lifestyles built with harem, method of government based on lies, on lies and on 'hatred of the opponent but to win at all costs. The Catholic vote and the Catholic women vie for a model of corruption, whose TV and newspapers morally unscrupulous deform our people with "TV model" despicable, immoral and quarrelsome.
you in the eyes of our people, bishops silent, you are jointly responsible and their accomplices, who is blamed or, even worse, try to diminish the importance personal responsibility. The people have coded this crime with the saying is as a thief who steals because those who hold out your bag. Because the parades bag Berlusconi and his most foul? Why not raise your voice to say that our people are a people from the tv addict, 50% of personal property and for the other 50% under the direct influence of the Prime Minister? Why not say a word about conflict of interest that is crushing the legality and the fundamental ethos of our country? Why continue to fornicate with an immoral man who preaches the Catholic values \u200b\u200bof family and then divorced, remarried, divorced again, and surrounds himself with minors to amuse his senile svirilità? Why not say that such men have nothing in common as believers, pastors and as guarantor of Catholic morality? Why do not you have disavowed when it rejected the immigrants be handed over to certain death? It is not the same man who made a decree to save all the plant life of Eluana? Are not you the same people who defend life "from its beginning to its natural end"? The life of blacks is less than that of a white? Up to this point have been contaminated by the heresy of the League and Berlusconi? Why not say that Catholics who support him in any way, share responsibility and accomplices of his crimes that natural ethics condemnation? How far are the times of St. Ambrose to Theodosius in 390 prevented from entering the cathedral of Milan because "even the Emperor and the Church, not above the Church." You honor a golden calf.
and I, believe me, many other bishops and believers think that you have lost your authority and your teaching because you have denied the act of self-interest and not for truth. For expediency, not gospel. A sink and a majority government, a slave master who has a lot of money from "iniquitatis mammon", it was prepared to weld any economic demand on the principle that every individual and institution have their price. The promise includes your silence - it must be said - silence is golden? When your silence does not hold evidence of the facts of ignominy, you, the experts, weigh the words spoken to mother-in-law and daughter in law because it seeks, but without disturbing it too much, "truncate, ... quell quell, cutting-off."
Mr. Cardinal, remembers his uncle of the Betrothed? "See your paternity are things, as I said to her, finirsi from among us, to be buried here, stirring things too ... do worse. You know what follows: quest'urti, these spades, starting sometimes a trifle, and they go on, go on ... to find the bottom, or if it is head, or They come out of a hundred other tricks. Soothe, truncate, most reverend Father: truncate, quell '(A. Manzoni, The Betrothed, chap. IX). We have to think that the accusations of pedophilia to the Chairman of the lies and try to be a country 'bagatelle' for they lose enough 'five Pater, Ave and Gloria "? The situation was described in a fierce offensive to you and former President of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga, you have not refuted: "The Church has very matter of private behavior. But in a monogamous devout [read: Prodi] that challenges some of his directives and spoils a female instead gives a real hand, the Church says spoils the good girls. Ecclesia caste et meretrix "(La Stampa, 08/05/2009).
Allow me to recall to his memory, a step of a Father of the Church, the upright Saint Hilary of Poitiers, which is already in sec. IV warned by flattery and gifts from the Emperor Constantius, the Caesars of Berlusconi's turn: "We no longer have an anti-Christian emperor who persecute us, but we must fight against a persecutor even more insidious enemy that flatters, no flagella caresses his back but the belly did not confiscate our goods (thus giving us life), but it enriches us to death, does not impel us toward freedom by putting us in prison, but inviting and honored to slavery in the palace, not it affects the body, but takes possession of the heart, not cutting the head with the sword, but it kills the soul with money "(Hilary of Poitiers, against the Emperor Constantius 5).
Dear Mr. Cardinal, in the name of the God she claims to represent, give us a taste of prophecy, a whisper of gospel, a flash of summer coherence of faith and credibility. If you can not do 50% attributable to the president of the CEI 'best interests to "do it at least 50% held by the bishop of a city where many, many people are turning away from the life of the Church because of the moral elasticity of Italian bishops, based on the principle of opportunism that is the negation of truth and connective tissue of civil society.
She spoke of "educational emergency" that is also the theme for the next decade and has complained about "negative models of television." I suppose you know that TV does not come under the Arch of Titus, but they have an owner who is head of government and in the double role affects programs, advertising, economy, models and styles of life, ethics and attitudes of young people who are not can offer nothing but the prospect of "vellum" or alternatively as a parliamentarian to the Head who gives jobs to the parliament as a loyalty bonus to those who proved most helpful, especially for women. They say the news that the sultan has gloat in front of his reaction because he feared worse, and if he says that he is an expert, I can believe. Now with the blessing of your tickling, may continue in its wanton and enterprise in the trafficking of minors to be sacrificed on the altar of the temple of his narcissism, paranoid, to the benefit of the country Berlusconistan, as the British press has called Italy.
Dear Mr. Cardinale, we can still hope that the bishops exercise their authority with the service authority, no alchemy to cover the expense of the rich and powerful clarity of truth as taught by John the Baptist cries all'Erode duty without fear for his life " Licet not "? Precursor to his words of conviction cost him his life, while you your "silent" for good luck. In
awaiting his reply Best regards.
Genoa May 31, 2009
Paolo Farinella,
priest Don Paolo Farinella degrees in Biblical Theology and Biblical Studies and Archaeology. He studied Oriental languages \u200b\u200bat the University of Jerusalem: Hebrew, Aramaic, and greek. His recent books: the Bible, words, secrets, mysteries "and" Return the old Mass, "Gabrielli always publisher

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rb539 Card Reader Not Working


at some point of your letter to macertaesi Capponi writes:

"Macerata, Civitas Mary, is the only town in the Marche, which has a registry for unmarried couples, "says

in derogatory sense, that is, for him there would be !!!!!

the log that I wrote: Dear

Mr Capponi, I received your letter at home and I read it carefully agreeing with some of his statements.
Then I came to read the third paragraph of the "facts" of silence and I was stunned.
I read 3/4/5 times to be sure of what I wrote.
Remember that the Constitution, which you, as your Supreme Leader shown to know little, provides equal dignity of all people and it is assumed that in a Secular State should have the possibility to everyone to join as he wants.
curious that these lessons "Christian" who come from (your Supreme Leader) did not even know where is the morality of the house.
We live in a country where "the facts relevant" criminal have replaced morality that is no longer "relevant" that a President of the Council recommend to any RAI bitch though this is not an offense.
She was an excellent Mayor of Treia and knowing very well his wife (my dearest friend) I can hardly believe that these closures have mental and that your political career is more important than everything else.
Riding the Clergy in our province is an operation too subtle for Capponi I thought I knew myself.
am not a believer, I think man, I am committed to volunteer work for years and are one of the founders of the Group's joint purchase of Macerata which now has 130 families. We have within the gay, unmarried couples, Atheists, Catholics ... they are all extraordinary people that no label for their sexual choices, political or religious. She is doing.
study the phenomenon for years and I urge the Church to do so seriously. Probably when you realize that the Church in 1945 was home to 30 wild to make them flee the Nazis in Argentina, when you realize that your bishop has a ring on her finger from € 15,000, when you realize that of 'eight per thousand, only 10% goes to the poor ... maybe change his mind ... or at least I hope that respects the ideas of others.
Send a warm greeting to my friend Paola
Thanks - Roberto Cherubini

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Midrin Pregnancy Danger

Sometimes a song says so much more ...

Frankie Hi-NRG MC benpensano

those who are around us, in among us, in many cases, we never make promises without keeping them if not for the calculation, the end is only useful, every possible means, the stakes are highest, the imperative is to win and not to involve any another, the logic of the game the only rule is to be clever: no scruples or respect for their fellow men because the last shall be last if the former are unreachable. They are so arrogant with the weakest, rugs with powerful, they are replicating, they are all identical watch them behind a machete and you just can not distinguish. How lizards climb, and then lose their tail if the buy it again. They do what they want you to know are around, spend, spreading and that they have. They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ... They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ... ... And how the supposed live in blisters full-option, with dogs over 120 decibels and dwarves were not even Disneyland, Vivona fearing to seem poor, flaunt what you have envy and all the rest, then buy it, constantly escalation with the next build: parton from the lawn and go up to heaven, they have more dishes on the roof in St. Mark's Gospel and those who wash cars on Saturday evening whizzing between the asphalt and little children, as middle classes to which they belong, down to earth as missiles which resemble each other. Tiratissimi, s'infarinano, s'alcolizzano s'impastano a tree and then, boom! Noses Fruit of the Loom white as they become more of a red level of Doom ... They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ... They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ... Every man for himself, God for himself, shaking hands among the pews on Sunday, hypocritical hands, hands that fan things you do not tell or else other hands who knows what they think, are scandalized. Hands firman then petitions for the removal of castor oil as a smooth hands, hands that brandiscon batons, stuffing jewelry, which rise behind the brothers. What the night can not be run more, those who go to whores while their children guardan TV, making the boss, who buy as Class, who are sophisticated to call the NAS, nightmares of plastic that would set fire to all but Gypsy the only light is what gives them for money every night, when I hide on the dark side of their dark moon ... They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ... They are around me but do not talk to me ... They are like me but they feel better ...

A Sentence With The Word Sheaves In It

The Church takes all!

destinarel'8x1000 Signature for the Catholic Church? Do not sign the
perdestinare 8x1000 to the Catholic Church?
It takes all!
Most of the Italian taxpayer does not know the mechanism for distribution of funds dell'8x1000, that the same ADUC (Association for the rights of users econsumatori) do not hesitate to describe as "perverse".
In Italy only 35% of taxpayers to allocate esplicitamentel'8% or signature to one of the religious denominations that have agreements with the State (the Catholic Church, Waldensian, Jewish Communities, Lutheran, 7th Day Adventists, Assemblies of God) or to allocate those funds to the State.
But the rest of unspoken preferences is not intended to state, as many think ... is allocated in proportion!
Since then about 88% of those who signed it does for the Church Catholic automatically latter 's also he gets 88% of the rest of the cake even though no one has signed on to be devoted that money!
Many people think that by not signing for anyone, or 8% goes to the State .. But they are wrong is wrong!
Have you ever wondered why the state has a similar agreement with the Jehovah's Witnesses? O Muslims? O Hindus? Or maybe with the Buddhists? Simple ... The Church should share the cake with actors (as opposed to Catholics who sign when they remember, or tell him why ilcommercialista) sign all until the last ... This year the requests covered up by lying in a drawer of the political shift . While
however, happens to have special arrangements extreme minority of Christian denominations ... and of course the Jews, who as we all know NOT proselytize and therefore do not significantly increase in number.
That smarts!
Question: Assuming that everything was .... Why should not I still want the money 's 8x1000 go to the Catholic Church?
Does so much good in the world ... true? Allocation of funds stemming
dall'8x1000 IRPEF the Catholic Church for the year 2008 amounted to EUR 1,002,513,715.31 approved by the 58th General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference

Italianamarzo 2008
EUR 373,000,000.00 for the sustenance of clergy
EUR 424,513,715.31 for the purposes of worship and pastoral
160 000 000 110 000 000
the diocese for the construction of new churches
7 million for construction of canonical houses in southern Italy
68 million for protection and restoration of Church property
EUR 38,000,000.00 for the purposes of worship and ministry of national
EUR 32,513,715.31 for catechesis and Christian education
EUR 9,000,000.00 to EUR 205,000,000.00
Regional Ecclesiastical Courts for charitable projects, which Diocese

90 million to 30 million for charitable needs of national
85 million for interventions in Third World countries They put up

spot that cost hundreds of thousands of euro and you propinano smiling faces or tears of the poor around the world, with young and stalwart pretiche say "we do so for many" and in the meantime they peck to 1 billion EURO 'year ...
PERO 'the poor of the Third World give the crumbs ...

1bn over 85 million is about 8, 5% !!!!!!!!!!!
the rest of the money and where does it go?
course say "are always 120 million euro to the poor Italians" But there is no detailed report on who pays for WHAT ABOUT, perchèil Vatican is a sovereign state that does not make it to Italy ... this account says the Concordat.
But I wonder and I ask you: If all this money, that is more than 1 billion euros per year were allocated directly to Welfare, rather than work-based welfare as we all know - mainly on the workforce VOLONTARINON IS BETTER?

Another question you're whisking in the head ... "Yes vabbe 'but the Church uses 68 million euro for the restoration of churches that still attract tourism, ... bla bla bla"

Really?! then ... you will chelo Italy was pleased to hear the Vatican pay the costs of: - Water (the annual bill is around 25m euro) - Electricity-Gas-fuel and waste water disposal (who dwells in Rome knows it all right if you know ... , since their pay) Transport .. also set against the clergy pension fund, the salaries of teachers of Catholic religion (the bishop's employees but paid by the State ... started in the fast lane of professors to be found in more shame Berlusconi's government), the cost of other events and tours of the pope in Italy and abroad (The sums in the hundreds of millions of euro) ... not counting all the money that the Church does not pay taxes, starting with ICI, because ... "The Vatican is a sovereign unostato and does not pay taxes to other states," In total, the 8x1000, the hole swallows the Vatican each year more than 9 billion euros!
And in return we pass from hand to 120 million in charitable works, plus a few pedophile priests most of which are only moved and not even tried.
There is nothing else to say
What can we do? Not much unfortunately ...
But somewhere you can start ... You can choose to SIGN 8x1000 without caring: a conscious choice, whatever it is, is a good choice.
- Roberto Cherubini

Catchy Names For An Eating Disorder Project

Ours is a democracy?

Friday, May 15, in the final vote of the Senate, which approved the so-called security package (draft Law No 733/2009), among other measures villains, with an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC), was introduced Article 50-bis, "Suppression of activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime carried out via the Internet." The text will arrive next week in the House (in the text under discussion in the House is no Article 60).
Under this Article, if any citizen in writing a blog then call to disobey a law that it deems unfair, providers will be obliged to stop the blog. In other words, this measure may require providers to obscure a site anywhere, even when abroad. The Minister, after notice of the court, may have a decree with the interruption of the activities of bloggers, orders to suppliers of connectivity to the Internet to use the appropriate filtering tools necessary for that purpose. The task of filtering should be set within 24 hours. Violation of this obligation results in a fine of between € 50,000 and € 250,000 for the provider and the imprisonment of bloggers from 1 to 5 years for incitement to murder and condoning of crime, from 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between social classes. It 's very easy to imagine how they could be "cleaned up" the search engines from all links uncomfortable. Moreover, in this way, we are creating the tools to lock in Italy Facebook, YouTube and all the free information that travels on the network and in our country is now the only source of uncensored information. And this of course not to mention the conflict of interest between those who hold political power and largely controls the media: Italy is the only country in the world, where a media company, Mediaset, has requested 500 million in compensation YouTube!
After Bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a committee against piracy and digital media that there are less of 60 days must submit to Parliament a draft law on the subject, this amendment to the "security package" in fact it makes explicit a project control system of reports and information that increasingly widespread internet is growing and that can not otherwise be dominated. Barack Obama won the election thanks to the internet: those who can not think well of censorship and make Italy such as China and Burma!
To date, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog of Beppe Grillo and the magazine "Computer Number". And 'good news instead of the speed as much as possible and that, against this article, create a front opposite the oninaio as large as possible: It 's time to wake up the sleeping consciences of Italians, it's really at stake is democracy!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Examples Of Welcome Speeches

Pedophilia in Ireland: all the abuses of the clergy dies

The inquiry committee of the Irish Government on the reception system and education of children and young people in a state of neglect or family problems or social, has published the results of work in a document of more than 2500 pages, covering the period 1914 to 2000, and which shows a disturbing picture of the entire system of custody of children to institutions and religious congregations.
Ireland in recent years has dealt with all cases of child custody with a policy of "institutionalization", or preferring to rely on non-family structures, rather than educational institutions and collegial. It 'obvious that this type of activity was and is carried out primarily, if not almost exclusively by Catholic religious congregations, such as Italy, Ireland being the country with a strong Catholic majority.
The Committee noted in this system of expectations a systemic problem. Italy saw it in the seventies about the asylums, and for this reason have been abolished, preferring, at least in theory, support type of home for the mentally ill, through family homes or small structures.
The Committee itself has stated an interest in both economic deference "political" by the Ministry of Education against the religious congregations, who have continued their business in this lucrative industry with the full support of the Ministry. Within this existential
organization has emerged a situation of degradation and abuse on children of Dickensian impression and fully inserted in the same system. E 'showed a picture of physical violence, psychological and sexual generalized by all those employed in the management of children, violence inherent in itself a religious organization.
controls load in the Ministry were largely insufficient, as was a deference and a laxity on the part of state institutions very difficult to explain, if not with the fact that religious congregations earned political credit as such. Often, physical inspections were only minor and superficial, so it hardly could have been emerging cases of abuse described by the same committee. In particular, the conclusions drawn in the 4th volume , 6 th chapter of the summary document are very frightening. Reading the document:

The Rules and Regulations governing the use of corporal punishment Were disregarded with the knowledge of the Department of Education.
The Legislation and the Department of Education guidelines Were unambiguous in the Restrictions Placed on corporal punishment. These limits However, We're Not Observed In Any of the schools investigated. Complaints of physical abuse Were frequent enough for the Department of Education to be aware That More Than They Referred to sporadic acts of violence by individuals burdens. The Department Knew That Were endemic violence and beatings Within the system itself. So

regulations regarding corporal punishment were rejected in all the host institutions. The Ministry was aware that the violence and beatings were endemic in the system.

The Harshness of the scheme Was inculcated into the culture of the schools by successive generations of Brothers, priests and nuns.

The hardness of the life of the Congregation was in the culture of the institutions handed down by generations of monks, priests and nuns.

It Was not the result of systemic and individual Breaches by persons who operated outside Lawful Good and boundaries.

The violence was systemic and not marginal or sporadic by some operators.
Children lived with the daily terror of Not Knowing Where the next beating Was coming from.
Children living in daily terror of not knowing where the next blows would have originated. Was

Sexual abuse endemic in boys' Institutions.
Abuse male sex were endemic in the institutions.

perpetrators of abuse Were Able to operate undetected for long periods at the core of Institutions.
abusers had the opportunity to continue their violence with impunity for a long period of time

Cases of sexual abuse Were managed with a view to minimising the risk of public disclosure and consequential damage to the institution and the Congregation. This policy resulted in the protection of the perpetrator.
The safety of children in general Was not a consideration.
cases of abuse were treated to minimize the impact of public congregation. This policy resulted in the protection of abusers. The protection of children in general was not a problem.

In general, male religious congregations Their Were not prepared to accept responsibility for the sexual abuse perpetrated That Their members. Congregational loyalty enjoyed priority over other Considerations Including safety and protection of children.
male religious congregations were not willing to accept their responsibilities in case of abuses by its members. Loyalty to the Congregation came first.
In the case of female institutions run by nuns, sexual abuse were fewer in number, although the physical and psychological violence were endemic to the same extent, and more targeted to the humiliation of the child. The attitude of the puritanical and bigoted Sisters of the argument against sex, anyway, although they were more disposed to the moral condemnation of that conduct, prevented them to receive confessions and confidences by minors.

Nuns' attitudes and mores Made It Difficult for Them to deal with and Openly and candidly Such cases of sexual assault victims felt shame and fear of reporting sexual abuse.
In addition to this framework, but on occasions the perpetrators were discovered, and qual'ora this was an issue for the congregation, they were simply transferred to other facilities, free to continue their activities.

Ratzinger himself in his document "Crimen Solicitationis "recommended maximum secrecy in cases of sexual abuse.
The so-called voluntary social religious, particularly Catholic, has always had a kind of moral leadership in the management of society, whether it's abandoned children, as well as the mentally ill, elderly or poor. This activity, besides being, and still be extremely lucrative, has contributed, as the same advertising for the target of eight per thousand would point out, the reputation of the Gospel that the Church was meant to build around.
The Irish government commission report shows, once again, what is hidden, often behind an and importance and vocation should be conducted in the most humanly possible. Cardinal Sean Brady says he's "deeply sorry" for sexual abuse. "I am ashamed that children have suffered in a way so bad in these institutions" is the statement of the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. However, religious associations have continued to resist the commission of inquiry, while legal restrictions and time passing has left most of the perpetrators unpunished.
Shame confronted with cases that are not attributable to a few individuals or isolated, but systemic and well-known, even at high hierarchies can not vanish in the face of false pretenses apologies and regrets.
must replace the secular ethics, once and for all the religious superstructure and the monopoly they have in working capital.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do Clonazepam Tablets Have An Expiry Date

Baget Bozzo: too late to save Berlusconi

died Baget Bozzo: too late to save Berlusconi

Baget Bozzo, an outstanding adviser to Silvio Berlusconi, however, died after a phrase uttered by one person: "Veronica has not loved enough. "
This sentence reflects precisely the thought of her and most of the clergy on the woman must be inferior to endure all that the man decides to do. Comments made
I think they are unnecessary, some reflection, however, can help us.

Baget If it had gone before Silvio probably would have saved her marriage?
A man who was abandoned by his wife 74 years with statements that call into question even his father figure is a failure?
How come the Church will always put the word on everything in this case is silent? Did enormous economic interests that this type of government support?

Creative Titles For Eating Disorder Project

Macerata Macerata

Macerata is routinely soaked

A good deputy in charge of the Province of Macerata, Carlo Migliore, has in recent years made from a special project that has curbside collection did achieve some outstanding results Towns in Macerata (75/80%).
Curious, but not too much, just the fact that the city of Macerata has not adhered to this project as opposed to high-medium to large cities such as Toledo and Civitanova Marche.
E 'yet another shame of this administration repudiated even by those who, like me, he has voted.
Great care, however, is used when you need to build ugly new buildings (Via Pantaleoni, Via Trento, Piazza Pizzarello) or cell phone repeaters that they really think that administrators are crazy.
Probably the madness is not the right answer, the answer is probably in the patronage

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who Makes The Sidekick Lx

Eating well is

News on mozzarella

Yesterday I heard an executive of Col direct tg1 while giving alarming data on products cheesemakers.
Specifically I was very impressed to know that 1 out of 4 mozzarella is made without milk and mozzarella on a 2 is made with foreign milk. Of course we talked about the major retailers that if it continues at this pace we will poison no escape.
E 'to combat this type of irresponsible consumption that was born in Macerata about two years ago, the buying group that purchases from local producers supportive biological reducing both costs and CO2 emissions.
Already 130 families belong to the group and solidarity to the producers and among the members is truly remarkable.
I am one with pride that I invite you to come to our meeting-a meeting and visit the website at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Audrey Hepburn Shower Curtian

The Catholic Church

started the My reflections on the Catholic Church led by young, certainly not from my catechists but by a fortuitous fact that probably in its simplicity has changed my life: I was about 13 years and after an hour of catechism began to play with my friends along the wide corridors of the building adjacent to the Church.
ran, chased, "cianghette" arrived and pushed the premises of a low floor innocently and we opened yet another door in front of us a room full of all good things (!!!).. ham, salami, lots of food.
My mind, perhaps ready to reflection, he immediately made a request ... but as these gentlemen tell us every day of hunger and the millions of children dying of hunger in their basement and have all this stuff? For me it was a "contrast" annoying that forced me to wonder many things.
As an adult I started a personal research on religion and belief, being irrational, have increasingly turned away from me. The existence of the historical Christ there is no doubt, there are the chasms of who he was, what he was doing, what he did for 33 years. His words are certainly extraordinary and all are aimed at one goal: Mercy.
Readers, please note, deepens and is willing to change their ideas can not help noticing that, both past and present, between the words and ideas of Christ and the behavior of the Catholic Church there are unbridgeable distance.

Obrorio aesthetic Christ appeared barefoot dress probably a habit, you have adorned the Vatican hierarchy as the Orfei circus clown: flashy and expensive hats, silk dresses, rings from 12000 €, Prada shoes.

Obrorio statement: I remember, probably incorrectly in form, a phrase important part of Christ ... "the rich will have the kingdom of heaven will come when a camel through the eye of a needle"
The wealth of the Vatican is huge and great economic issues of their banks have "resulted in" very dubious deaths (Calvi).
Their wealth is fueled by 'eight per thousand, and ICI exemption.
This is not enough because the Vatican is giving the eviction of a large number of Italian citizens because it requires much higher rents by people with disabilities (just read, inquire, investigate, look for news that does not give us none).
Their wealth has been fueled by huge donations from individuals, especially in the years 60/80 is dictated by a subliminal message that ignorance of the hierarchy ... "if you have gifts for the kingdom of heaven"

Obrorio intellectual in our times the Church has become a real political party dictating to its "adherents" rules of behavior very often contrary to the Constitution. It is a striking example "Englaro case": the Constitution permits the abandonment of care, so that the Jehovah's Witnesses sometimes die because they give up the blood transfusions, the Church calls instead for doctors with blinders on conscientious objection trampling the Italian Constitution.
Christ preached mercy and then respect the ideas of others, the Church calls instead for the state to adopt legislation to content themselves with only part of the public (excludes atheists, Muslims, Buddhists ....) .. the tragedy is that this result because a law gets "Nazi" today does not allow the waiver of medical care by of the patient.
Pope Wojtyla to forgo extraordinary treatments.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thank You Reverend Funeral

start publishing ...

overlap various thoughts in my mind every day. Thoughts
beautiful, ugly, reflections.
Very often my thoughts are born of thoughts or behaviors that conflict with my idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy.
It will be very likely to find in the blog criticizing the policy and the Church which together are ruining our country.