Friday, March 18, 2011

Jump Start Positive Ground Tractor

St. Joseph's zeppole

Hello friends!
Tomorrow March 19 St. Joseph's and Father's Day, why not prepare soft donuts to celebrate?
in Naples are a must, with their beautiful cherry syrup to garnish set up but I opted for the strawberries to cherries since I have not found!
Prepararte choux dough (the recipe for this pasta I got it from the mythical Blog Mysia,)
100 g butter 250 ml water

150 g flour 1 pinch salt 1

teaspoon sugar 4 eggs grated lemon zest

Melt the butter in a saucepan or in microwave, add water and salt and bring to a boil. Turn off and stirring without forming lumps, We add the flour and sugar. When the mixture is smooth put it back on heat and stir until the pasta is detached from the walls of the pot. Turn off the heat, let cool and add eggs one at a time and then the grated lemon rind.
Lay a sheet of parchment paper on a plate, put the dough into a pastry bag and circles on the outside close to spiral inward. the size depends on how you want the donuts if smaller or larger.
Bake for about 30 minutes to 180 ^.
If you want those fried, place the dough on the individual sheets of baking paper to slide the zeppole directly into the hot oil, after a short baking paper comes off and you can, help with pliers, pull it out from the pan.
Now that you have ready zeppole prepare the filling, I use the classic dish of creamy yellow, the found here in the place of cream and strawberry tart.

Once cooled and cream filled donuts the donuts and put on the black cherry syrup or in my case, strawberries or any fruit you want!
Best wishes to all fathers!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Restoring Flintlock Pistols

Borini, the Swansea to be reborn

Mark Taron

Fabio Borini on loan at Swansea, at the end of this season. It had to end up in Parma, is found in Wales.
"Yes, in the birthplace of John Charles. I hope that bodes well ... "
How did you end there?
"The coach is Brendan Rodgers, who coached me in the reserve team of Chelsea. It has a nice group, vying for promotion to the Premier, and a little 'me time insisted on loan. "
A nice gesture of trust.
"Indeed. They are third in the standings and they want to do everything to get to class. They thought of me, it gives me stimulation.
Championship and will no longer Premier. But the charm is there.
"Sure. Even Saturday's game against Nottingham Forest, which is in the top 6 of the league. Then challenge teams like Hull City, Barnley, Portsmouth, which fell from its first English league. But my choice is dictated by other motives. " There
the stories.
"The idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to play continuously in a category, however important, here at the end of the season. I need it. I'm back after a long injury and I have shown that they still find the way of goals, just like I did before. If I go into the field, I can prove it better. "
With Ancelotti was hard.
"Yes, but the fact that the road is closed most of the first team was not affect the relationship with the technician. If there was some misunderstanding, I have had with the company. "
nine games in Swansea and never closed a door in Parma. The future will still be there next year?
"The speech is not closed, it's true. But today I can not think of this. The season is not over and I think to myself. Right now I am a player looking for a place for next year. I have to prove something. That's it. "
are following the championship of its Bologna?
"And how. I lived with concern the company's problems, and it was nice to see a group capable of leaving them off the field, even in difficult times. Within three months of rehab I attended Isokinetic, I saw the players I spoke with them. I'm happy for what they did. " His friend
Casarini is specializing in the role of quarterback.
"Faith may cover many roles. And besides, I though I would play in the door ... "
Even at Swansea?
"Maybe. But it is better to think well ahead "
How did John Charles.

The Information of Bologna, March 18, 2011