A as Anne Frank: German Jewish girl of 13 years that he wrote in his diary the story of the living conditions of the Jews who must live like rats to escape persecution.
died in Bergen-Belsen in 1945 of typhus and starvation.
B as Bolzano In Bolzano concentration camp was a step in the first ten months of operation, which began in 1944, we passed 9500 Jews.
C as a concentration camp: File wooden barracks surrounded by barbed wire, they took the freedom to millions of Jews.

And as Jews, as Jews emilia.
"Thus died Emilia, who was 3 years old, because the Germans appeared to clear the historical necessity of killing the children of the Jews."
Primo Levi, If This Is a Man.
F as crematoria: structures that were used to burn the corpses, which otherwise would occupy too much space .
as G Ghetti: are the neighborhoods of the city where Jews were confined.
What Warsaw was burned in 1944.
Hitler as H: The Fuhrer, which in German means "chief or leader", was dictator of Germany, responsible for killing 6 million Jews.
I like ideology racist ideology born in France and Germany in the nineteenth century, argued that the white race that the Aryan race was superior to a Jew.
as Jude J: Jew was written on the Star of David that Jews had to sew on their clothes to be recognizable.
K as Kapo: It 's the role of a prisoner who exercises control functions on the other deportees to the camps.
L as Read racial are specific laws that affect the lives of the Jews, so that children, Jews could not even go to school.
M as Memory: Remembering is the only way to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
N as Nazism: A lifestyle demonic, with misconceptions that go beyond even the measures of harm.
Or Orders: No! Orders not executed wrong!
P as Persecution: people victimized by the Nazis.
as Q How many?! : lot, 6 million, all dead.
R as Racism: Diversity unjustified ... Mad and bad.
T as Torah: holy book for Jews.
U as humiliation Men offended dignity.
V as empty empty concentration camps for a total extermination ...
wall W as: insurmountable wall that divides Jews from the Germans in the ghettos, unjustified division between people.
X as Xenophobia: Fear of the foreigner, the "different", but diversity is our wealth.
Y as Ylenia: Ylenia, mother who has seen "disappear" her son, her husband, her heart and herself.
Z Zweig: Father brutally killed for defending his son. (Sacrifice of the chamber.)
3A , 3B.
Dedicated to class 5.
3A , 3B.
Dedicated to class 5.
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