However, you are moving in the street must comply with the rules and be careful !!!!!
On the way there are many signs including one-way traffic signals composed as follows:
have a circular shape with the center, an arrow that indicates how or in what direction is allowed to go at a crossroads. It is difficult to interpret.
It is also important to follow directions from traffic lights riferiteci: electronic systems that direct traffic.
When a semaphore has the green light you can go in any direction though, and always using the utmost caution.
When the yellow light indicates that he is going to take a red light. When it is red you can not continue.
There are signs of some suitable restrictions on driving and at intersections. Finally, we have signs indicating roads or paths to the category of users indicated by the signal same. When they crossed a red line indicating the end of the path reserved.
The most popular method to get around, that is a place for athletes from all 'others, are their feet. Walking is easy enough to put a pide forward and one step back and do not require a license and then you should not have a particular ability to carry out this major task. is very difficult !!!!!!!!
Many kids or rather kids play football in the street risking their lives and those of others (and that of the ball!).
should learn that when you have to be walking on the sidewalks and who fails to comply with a certain name is sanctioned by a fine.
CROSSINGS TO RULE D 'ART for a pedestrian crossing is a 'task that requires great care, caution and compliance.
At the time of 'crossing, in fact, are to occupy the same space as two types of road users - pedestrians and drivers - absolutely not compatible with each other.
WHEN THE ZEBRA is near ...
strda The code requires pedestrians to cross, they use the pedestrian crossing also known as "zebras." E 'possible until the zebra crossing is not far to more than 100 m.
zebras If there are no other steps may be used.
Cycling is for the vast majority of people the primary means of locomotion. And the first meeting with the speed. Learning to balance on two wheels is a large company, and the satisfaction that 'the first ride without wheels or the support of a parent is equal to that of the first steps on their own. It 's very difficult to move with machines in strada.ò And then you have to be very attenti.E' always good to wear a helmet, although not mandatory, to prevent accidents. Unfortunately there are no bike airbag, there are no seat belts, non c 'is the structure of a vehicle to act as a shield.
The guys at 1B.
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