Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Many Calories In One Toblerone Square

The Italian do it better

Girls are here to tell you very interesting initiative!
Vannalisa the blog Méli-melodrama every Monday dedicates a post in which collects the tutorial written in Italian. In his post find some info on the spirit of this approach and guidance on how to upload your tutorial.
I think it's a great idea. They are lots of good tutorials in English but can not deny that I'm a bit lazy to follow the idea of \u200b\u200bmaybe having to also bring to their feet units.
We have many resources ... let us know! The idea came at the end of June 2010 and there is already a nice collection!
Thanks to Anna for her wonderful idea and a hug to you all Cicolano creative friends on the net! Debora

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pacific Science Center Seattle Membership Promo


Embroidery Backing Embroidery

embroidered designs with voltage at 3.8

today a post in which I speaks of the tension of the wire.
I state that I have always been "terrified" the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to change the voltage.
stitched this bags in the photo you will notice that where there are the strings pull the fabric is very ... and I can say at this point senseless fear because once turned off and on again the machine ato. Recommended by
Alice of Sa.Fil I did a test / homework; embroidered laces of shoes I have changed from time to time, the tension, my car is set at 4 but I tried to lower it, or 2 points coming from 3.8 to 3.4, I have found the ideal voltage to 3.8 and as you can see from the bags that you find in the last two pictures the work is improved.
It 'also important to look at the back of the embroidery, and indeed should be seen behind the spool of white cotton in the center and sides of the color of the thread (or wrong Alice?? To you the word).
Maybe this can be a place to discuss about our experiences!
Baci most thrilling,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Much Paregoric To Get High

Basile, Virtus

Mark Taron

Gianluca Basile it's hard to wish a happy birthday, at a time like this.
"It's the worst of all. Already at the foot of the operation in November last year, I was blown away. I had never done under the knife before. Now it happened again while I was training with young people. One of the first training after the shooting, not even hard. All over again. I did not think I would have to undergo a new intervention. When they told me, was a blow. " New
fracture in the same place. Greatest misfortune.
"I am told that there are few such cases. Recalcati I spoke with explained to me that something similar has happened even Ranniko. But it's a little consolation: it remains a blow that you find it difficult to accept. After all the sacrifices I made to return to first, just like I'm in two months ago. "
At the risk of having closed the season.
"Times are the same. Three months to review the field. I could make it to the Final Four of Euroleague, if we could win it. But let's be clear: we are a team of fourteen, it is unlikely that the coach relies on that occasion to someone who is out for months because of an injury. "
What is thinking these days?
"What time is passing, which are thirty-six years, and I have to watch. It's all very sad. " A lion
wounded, but used to fight.
"And in fact now I think to heal well. But there's some dark thoughts: I had never been operated on in his career, I've never been out so long. Barcelona with a contract renewal from year to year, there is that next summer I say that no longer need me. And it gets worse ... "
Let's talk about, so the worst part of the history we leave behind ...
"There's that if such a thing were to happen again, career would be over."
Insisistiamo: Do \u200b\u200bnot imagine a docile Basile.
"The positive side is that at thirty-six are here. A player Barça. I'm fine, I remember a Super Cup played well, just four months ago. I know I can still claim this basket, if I'm good. I do not feel it will go. But maintaining these levels is hard, and this does not help me stop to look ahead with confidence. "
Think of Bologna, then. A place where many will not forget.
"It is a thought that helps me. If it does not go well I could think of returning to Italy. In recent years I have also tried, but Barcelona continued to renew the contract. If a company like this gives you confidence, it is difficult to leave it behind. "
Basketcity lives of memories. We throw an eye, from time to time?
"I follow the league, but I admit that the interest from Fortitudo when it is no longer at high altitude is less intense. It is an absence that you feel. I'm glad that the spirit and the idea is not lost, but the road seems long to get back up there. "
And the league in general? What do you think of the return of Peterson on the bench?
"When they told me I have been happy. I coach from his time have not lived, but through his commentary, I love NBA basketball, at the time of the challenges of Magic and Jordan. It's been a mentor to me. And today is an example for many: lives on the bench as if he had twenty years. "
thousand voices say Messina Milan next season. Will be the year of returns, the next?
"Hector is a great coach. But everybody came back, it's called Messina, Basile or whatever, would not change the level of the Italian league. It would be a new thing at the beginning, yes. "
And that level is?
"The approach to small sizes, but Siena is still there. And it grows. It has chances to enter the Final Four, and seeing her play a couple of months ago I would have said the same thing. For the rest, waiting to see if Peterson will give the right kick to Milan. "

The Information Bologna January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sample Speech Of Ceo For Presscon

Post Bag birth

Hello and good start week.
Today I show you this bag stitched for a baby and the mother can use it to make a change in the body, diaper and jumpsuit now necessary to find ...... usually bags of new mothers are always full as an egg and catch it before serving it, remove all .....
The embroidery was challenging in the sense that I have changed different colors and I've impiegatopiù an hour.
Embrace circulated to all and see you soon,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cubefield 2 Pick A Level

balls coconut peanut

Here is a quick and easy recipe. now when you prepare thinks Elisa!
Ingredients: 125 gr
250 grams of sugar.
ricotta 100 gr. flour (flakes) + 50 g coconut. to decorate
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

Preparation: Mix sugar
ricotta, add the cocoa powder and 100 gr. grated coconut.
Once well blended ingredients into balls that will pass in the remaining 50 gr. scales. Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Perfect for a buffet party or end of a lunch or dinner as a dessert!
soon, Debora

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Axis Or Hdfc For Home Loan

birthday with melancholy, these 140 years of glory

Mark Taron

was a damn cold night, because people say that the winters are the stuff of our times do not tell the right, or has lost his memory. It was snowing, that
17 January 1871, and intensively.
But that handful of men did not want to miss the classroom of the Technical School in San Domenico. They were there because they loved the sport, and believe in the value of its message, especially to educate the new generations.
They could not even imagine being there to write the story. Or maybe somehow we were hoping for. There were seven, those pioneers. Led them Emilio Baumann, a father of the Italian gymnastics. That evening, founded the Society Sectional Gymnastics. That would become legendary Virtus.
140 years have passed since then. The Sef Virtus has a long history of sport blue. He has lined up major talent, Olympic medals, world, European, a harvest of Italian titles. He has trained thousands of young persons into the sport. And even those who have not become champions will move on, forever, the pride of being virtussini.
The first were, in fact, gymnasts and wrestlers. Some of them entered the popular imagination, often performing in sports arenas but also in the streets, at festivals, in theaters. Colossi as Achilles Mountain (nomen omen), Emilio Benfenati, or the legendary "Stiancon" (what, according to the dialect, "splits - is" really all) of the century Riccardo Giovannini. In the First World War emerged one of the greatest talents of Italian sport, quell'Adolfo Contoli  representing the "twin" of our national American Indian Jim Thorpe, because he excelled in the same discipline, the decathlon, and because it was a phenomenon that would address any specialty. Someone like him, who had fought in Kobarid, could not be afraid of anything. He played football and had a future. But then veered on the athlete, competing in all disciplines, to the point be collected at the end of something like 24 career national title, all won with a strictly black V on breast.
In wrestling, meanwhile, depopulated Renato Gardini, world champion in 1915, before going to seek his fortune in America. But still nice to have athletic Virtus second sports club in Bologna for the foundation (before her only the Shooting Bologna, founded in 1862) unbelievable experiences. In 1932, in Berlin, in the Olympic final of the 80 obstacles, there were even two stars born in Bologna on the slopes, both in a position to make the big shot. What could Trabzon Valla, for all Ondina, who became the first Italian athlete to win a gold medal the Olympics, while Claudia Testoni  off the podium and finished fourth at the photo finish. Sixteen years and a world war later, it fell to Giuseppe "Pino" Dordoni  dominated by entering the stadium in Helsinki, winning Olympic gold in 50 km. running. And the gold in five circles also won the Adolph and Joseph Tunesi Domenichelli gymnastics team: the first in 1912, in Antwerp, the second again in Berlin in 1936.
In tennis, world class pure led up the colors of black V. By Vanni Canepele to those of the golden years, and Orlando Sirola Beppe Merlo. The first came from the River, was almost seven feet tall and in his career won 11 Italian titles, in addition to training with Nicola Pietrangeli il doppio più vincente del tennis azzurro, con il, successo del Roland Garros nel ‘59 e la finale diWimbledon del ‘56 come fiori all’occhiello. Il secondo, portato a Bologna dal presidentissimo Giorgio Neri, fu quattro volte tricolore e due volte senifinalista agli internazionali di Francia.
La Virtus è fascino, passione, storia ed emozione. È la pallacanestro che in città ha viaggiato tra Santa Lucia, la prima casa, Sala Borsa, PalaDozza e PalaMalaguti, che oggi guarda al terzo millennio da Futurshow Station.
Che ha scritto anche la storia dei canestri, regalandole nomi leggendari. La Sef Virtus è un’idea che piaceva persino a Giuseppe Garibaldi, che lo scrisse in una lettera ai suoi executives ("I am one of your '). The Sef Virtus is an ideal that lives in black and white in a world of color projected into the future under the guidance of Cesare Mattei, the current president. He has a future ahead, and 140 years of history to brag about. The Information

of Bologna, January 17, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is Lola Luv Dark Skin


consultiani dear, Giosefo and friends, you are all invited to attend our meeting to be held Friday, January 21 at 18.00 at the floor Informagiovani acre.

This year, the crisis has affected on our budget taking away € 2000 but this does not prevent us from moving forward with our initiatives, and indeed there must stimulate to greater projects. ideas for 2011 and many are already talking about web tv, youth information, European exchanges, a workcamp with clowns from all over the world ready to give a smile to children, elderly and sick. but there are also many opportunities to make our little big ideas to find a job, do an internship abroad, and especially traveling, grow and learn!

see you Friday, come and bring some friends, the meeting is open to all.

meantime, best wishes to a new committee consists of: except Signorelli, Sebastian sword, roberta runner and Vitrano Esterina!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Is Spider Solitaire Always Solveable

cushions for everyone .....

BEGINNING Good morning and good week!
Here are other custom pillows peanut following the passions of some who would have received and given away at Christmas by a friend who has commissioned them to me!
For aspiring dreamers ...
For fans runner

for future dancers!
I apologize for the photos, I tried to turn, which apparently are "so comfortable" :-)
Circular A hug.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Disability Insurance Interview Questions

" Ducati, better late than never "

Mark Taron

"Better late than never. Here I am. " Here they are, the first words of the official sample in red. Valentino Rossi will start on the snows of Madonna di Campiglio his new adventure in Ducati, and back into play. Probably for the last time. He did, passing from Honda to Yamaha in 2003 and is out a story already become legend. A thirty-two, the Doctor has to reckon the final challenge: if he can bring to the throne of the fascinating combination of Rossi-MotoGP Ducati, symbol of Italian excellence in the world, no one can ask for more. It will be in motorcycling history, even more than it is today, with its nine world titles. It is a difficult task, and some uphill. In November, after the Valencia test with the Desmosedici in black livery as a matter of contract, Vale went under the knife to permanently fix the ailing shoulder. He knew that it was not a routine, but certainly did not think of a way of rehabilitation so tormented.
"I admit, I expected to arrive here in a better situation. Instead, there are up to their ears, the recovery will be very short. We still need five or six months to return to one hundred percent, but if I'm here is because I really do it. Of course, now I'm a little old. Twenty years might have been different, I would have recovered more quickly. But this challenge will give me strength and motivation sufficient to overcome any obstacle. I hope to be fit enough for the Sepang test in early February. Those tell a lot about feeling between me and the bike. "
will be tough, he admits. Also because the shoulder has not yet recovered the necessary mobility. "Here, but still does not move well, as see. I struggle to find the right posture, and the rest we know that for the tendon rupture times grow longer. But now that the operation was improcrastinabile I understood also in Valencia when I went for the first time on a Ducati. I was in very poor condition, at the end. I had no strength in my arm. "
an ordeal, but crucial to put the Ducati technicians on track, to help them understand where you can find a meeting point between the rider and the bike. The rest thought the "guru" of Valentine, Jeremy Burgess, who appeared for the Honda Stoner's compatriot, and it has once again followed his pupil, betting on the future with him. The coach of Australia before Christmas, he spent five days in business: a full immersion to prepare a GP11 as possible suited to the needs of the sample.
"They are doing an incredible job, and I thank them. At this point the bike is already strong, it's me that I heal quickly. There is work a lot during development. Ducati is a completely different bike from Yamaha, a real prototype. In Valencia I worked with the team searching for the ideal driving position, the Desmo and now I have to find a meeting point. I too must try to adapt to the characteristics of this jewel. "
requires patience to "Ducati", the Doctor. Even those who continue to have doubts ("I'll try to conquer them with the results, is the only way I know ...»). It gives certainty when he looks to the future with optimism: "I never thought about quitting. I really think I could afford a few more season at the top. "
actually does, it finally red. Although he has given up his beloved yellow, nor the reason for "sun-moon" that sets it apart, just as his talent. Watch the season to come, and sends out the others: "Lawrence has proven to be very strong in 2010, but in the fight for the title see also Stoner, Honda will have a more powerful engine. If they learn to be more consistent. " The
his name keeps him out of contention. It is up to the window, expecting to find the best condition. And also waiting for the GP11, like all the rest of us. Today, finally, it will lift the veil. End of mystery and expectation, the new season really takes off.

m.tarozzi @
The Information of Bologna, January 11, 2010

Paparazzi Camera Lens


Hello girls! Today I present
passatelli in broth, traditional dish emilnao Romagna.
The recipe I took to be a fantastic site kitchen that I highly recommend!
They're great to cook in the broth but I had them in vegetable broth.
Ingredients: 2 eggs

100 grams of 100 grams of bread crumbs, Parmesan

some grated nutmeg salt and pepper
and someone even put the lemon peel grattugguato but here the views are very different ( I did not put)
Place all ingredients in a bowl and knead until the mixture compact.
let rest 5 / 10 minutes and then using the large holes with a potato masher or a food mill do passatelli _ (the result you see in the second photo)
I used it because it had the larger holes.
There is a special tool to do it, but a potato masher in large holes will do his duty.
If the mixture turns out too hard add a few tablespoons of stock ... in any case ask for help from man of the house because I did not have it done ;-)
passatelli In the second picture you see, I will I have preprogrammed a couple of hours before cooking and I left them out of the refrigerator with a dry cloth on it. Then pour
in the broth (if the broth boils down a little too hard otherwise you ruin the flame) and cook 3 or 4 minutes they are ready ..... just resurface.
or I found them really good and even at the table have been successful.
Elisa then was very proud because I knead you!
Bon appetit!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enema Treatment Toronto

bag in stock for artistic gymnastics for 2

Here's a new bag for a child who attends the course of gymnastics, I was commissioned for Christmas.
For this embroidery I lowered by 2 points in the wire tension effects the result is good. A
all a hug,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Whats The Difference Between Bunnies And Rabbits

some dust ....

Today I'll show how not always keep clean embroidery machine (but this also applies to the sewing machine or overlock. ..) can affect the success of an embroidery.
Abstract: I stitched the subject (cloverleaf) more than a dozen times next to several names, the tissue was the same, ditto the stabilizers and the wire was not changed .....
embroidering but the name was Rosa with the shamrock on this crap (second photo) ... as if the machine embroidering shakes ......
I was a bit worried because it was a few days holiday and I had to finish and deliver these works commissioned ....
I changed the needle, first of all because I thought it depended on what I thought .... I honestly do not adjust the tension of the wire because as I said, fabric, stabilizers and design were always the same .... I had embroidered identical a few minutes before.
So I tried to clean the coil estewrnamente where there was nothing .... but reading the instruction manual I've seen how to disassemble the part of the coil ..... ....... was made of ...... all pieces of wire of each color and lots of dust batuffoletti ..... I cleaned well and after the embroidery is coming back as it should (first photo).
I do not know if you can notice the huge difference but I assure you that is so .....
This is to say that sometimes we forget that our cars are always taken care of and cleaned often ....... I always do before summer and before Christmas is when I shut the car for a while but apparently not enough ......
to say that there is then in the next embroidery has always been there when he was Quach point out the white wire coil ...... here I read the instruction that was slightly adjusted the tension of the coil wire ... I did it and there was some improvement but not the total elimination of the problem in this respect light ....... .....
Many kisses to all!

Monday, January 3, 2011

6 Month Old Baby Light Coughing

Cochise and those years on the road" The great day of

and out the autobiographical novel by John Fultz, icon
The Virtus Bologna 70 including basketball, music, love and hippie culture

Mark Taron

Framingham, Mass., is the city that gave birth to John Leslie Fultz . It is just three quarters of an hour's drive from Lowell, the birthplace of another prominent Bostonian, the legendary Jack Kerouac . This may explain the fact that even so "Cochise", the icon of basketball in Bologna was reborn in the early seventies, he ropes in a sort of "On the Road" Po, set right around that world of baskets and of Americans who the dreams of dancing on our parquet.
Fultz had in the drawer for some time, this book. And now, finally, will show the people of basketball, which in Bologna he has certainly not forgotten. Although it is not a book on the sport. He also talks about basketball, but is primarily a social history, the story of an era, the early seventies, lived in Italy, between Bologna and Varese (especially Bologna) and seen through the eyes of an American boy fell into our country after coming to the brink of big dreams. That for a basketball player is always the same: the limestone areas of the NBA.
John was touched by that destiny can only. Really touched. But when Red Shaus offered the minimum wage with no guarantees, even with the glorious tank Lakers, thanked him and took the road of Italy. Its history goes
Italian from Varese, and a European Cup touched by foreign extracampionato, and Bologna, where he became a pillar of the Virtus Porelli but also opened another life, linking university students arrived in town from the States, discovering the long hair through which he earned the nickname of Cochise ("My father always said that my grandmother had Indian origins, so it seemed appropriate). And marrying the ideals of pacifism, freedom of thought and action. Welcoming into his home, with the generosity of those ideals, boys and girls are often attracted by its reputation. Life or Something "on the road, but never forget the commitments on the floor, where" Gionmitraglia "knew how to excite: his duel with the" Baron "Gary Schull was the beginning of the great challenges of Virtus and Fortitudo, and did find the Bologna passion for basketball. He and the "Baron" the foundation of the City of baskets. Today
John Fultz has passed sixty, an English teacher in Naples, has a son (Robert), who also dressed in the blue shirt. He has a talent for teaching young people that often has not been exploited optimally. But it also has a slice of life to tell, and that life concerns us. His "I called Cochise" found in the passion of LGS Sportlab bank, agency Lorenza Seragnoli War, and the publishing house of Roberto Minerva Mugavero, who wrote his book in the series "the wire": Why is his a history of sport, but also of loss and rebirth within. And through that throws a great message for the benefit of future generations. Not only those who live basketball.

The Information of Bologna, January 2, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ph Of Small Intestine And How Is It Maintained

cherry stone cushions and grape-seed

Hello to all!! These
I show are works commissioned for Christmas ... now will reach their destination without more.
The customer chose the symbols as the lucky four-leaf clover and pepper ... then a football for a football fan! In the next rounds will show
pillows embroidered with others! A hug to all

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Much Compensation For Hurt Ankle


consultiani dear friends, Giosefo, and supporters, Friday, January 7 at 18:00 at the information centers in Acre Plan, we gather to elect the organs of the Presidency: President, Vice President, Secretary the fourth component.

the meeting will be an opportunity to discuss what has been achieved and how it works in this new 2011 has just begun, a year that promises already full of activities and news.

to Friday!

Dv Usb átalakító

Happy New Year to all dear friends blogghine!
I wish you a 2011 full of health, Goia ... and creativity! A hug
cicrolare, Debora