Saturday, January 8, 2011

Whats The Difference Between Bunnies And Rabbits

some dust ....

Today I'll show how not always keep clean embroidery machine (but this also applies to the sewing machine or overlock. ..) can affect the success of an embroidery.
Abstract: I stitched the subject (cloverleaf) more than a dozen times next to several names, the tissue was the same, ditto the stabilizers and the wire was not changed .....
embroidering but the name was Rosa with the shamrock on this crap (second photo) ... as if the machine embroidering shakes ......
I was a bit worried because it was a few days holiday and I had to finish and deliver these works commissioned ....
I changed the needle, first of all because I thought it depended on what I thought .... I honestly do not adjust the tension of the wire because as I said, fabric, stabilizers and design were always the same .... I had embroidered identical a few minutes before.
So I tried to clean the coil estewrnamente where there was nothing .... but reading the instruction manual I've seen how to disassemble the part of the coil ..... ....... was made of ...... all pieces of wire of each color and lots of dust batuffoletti ..... I cleaned well and after the embroidery is coming back as it should (first photo).
I do not know if you can notice the huge difference but I assure you that is so .....
This is to say that sometimes we forget that our cars are always taken care of and cleaned often ....... I always do before summer and before Christmas is when I shut the car for a while but apparently not enough ......
to say that there is then in the next embroidery has always been there when he was Quach point out the white wire coil ...... here I read the instruction that was slightly adjusted the tension of the coil wire ... I did it and there was some improvement but not the total elimination of the problem in this respect light ....... .....
Many kisses to all!


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