Friday, January 28, 2011

Pacific Science Center Seattle Membership Promo


Embroidery Backing Embroidery

embroidered designs with voltage at 3.8

today a post in which I speaks of the tension of the wire.
I state that I have always been "terrified" the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to change the voltage.
stitched this bags in the photo you will notice that where there are the strings pull the fabric is very ... and I can say at this point senseless fear because once turned off and on again the machine ato. Recommended by
Alice of Sa.Fil I did a test / homework; embroidered laces of shoes I have changed from time to time, the tension, my car is set at 4 but I tried to lower it, or 2 points coming from 3.8 to 3.4, I have found the ideal voltage to 3.8 and as you can see from the bags that you find in the last two pictures the work is improved.
It 'also important to look at the back of the embroidery, and indeed should be seen behind the spool of white cotton in the center and sides of the color of the thread (or wrong Alice?? To you the word).
Maybe this can be a place to discuss about our experiences!
Baci most thrilling,


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