Monday, February 21, 2011

Do We Have Cramps In Thighs During Ovulation


There are different types of bullying, which are divided mainly in direct bullying and indirect bullying . The direct
bullying has a direct relationship between bully and victim, and in turn can be categorized as:
  • physical bullying: the bully hits the victim with blows, kicks or shoves, or sexual harassment, bullying
  • Minutes: the bully makes fun of the victim, frequently saying things bad and unpleasant or calling names offensive, objectionable or threatening, saying most of the time swearing and rude;
  • psychological bullying: the bully or ignore completely exclude the victim or puts his team around false rumors about him;
  • cyberbullying or electronic bullying: the bully sends messages via SMS or harassing the victim in chat or the photographer / film at a time when not wish to be taken up and then sends its images to third parties to defame him, to threaten or bother him. The
indirect bullying is less visible than direct, but no less dangerous, and tends to harm the victim in its relations with other people, excluding and isolating especially by means of psychological bullying and then with gossip and slander about him. A first distinction
variables bullying is the bully on the basis of sex: male bullies are more prone to direct bullying, while females in the indirect one.
As for the age at which you experience this phenomenon, you have two different periods. The first 12 to 14 years of age, and the second between 14 and 18, but in recent years have seen bullying among boys aged 11 and 12 years.
Finally, the scene of bullying are primarily places of gathering of young people, and then school and outside school.
The primary causes of this phenomenon are to be found not only in the personality of the young bully, but also in the underlying family patterns, in the stereotypes imposed by the mass media, in today's society sometimes inattentive to social relations.
The huge echo that bullying in the past year have been media reports on the spread, the public, a growing awareness of the problem.
is of paramount importance, in fact, that all recognize the seriousness of bullying and their consequences for growth of both young victims, who have a deep suffering, and abusers of children, who are at risk of take routes with deviance and delinquency.
But it's too easy to talk about it, say it is too little or classify. Would speak in person, the point is to address the cause of bullying, the bully eradicate it, because it is not entirely his choice. A child will never hit your partner if you have not seen, learned or obtained by others. We should not think it's all so superficial, is a chain of feelings drawn from experience of the "bully" and gives his anger or repression, or pain, or any other negativity about how to get rid of or to vent somehow. Unfortunately, the chain reaction leads to both physical and moral suffering that the bully "unfortunate." The bouncer does not exist if there is no victim, because if you are still rebelling, the bully would not have this outlet more aggressive.

"I wonder what the audition, but without a word, no expression, with the daily suffering that eats away like acid. I do not know the experience on my skin, but I can imagine other reasons for the test to pass, because is certainly not easy. It is not right to remain shrouded in the fog of blind people the help they hoped, because not talking about the fog certainly not be dissolved, and we will wake up at dawn with fog and Tramondo, and during the night the stars light up the sky. It 's sad to say but so, more tears that rain. "


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