Monday, February 7, 2011

Heartgold Wifi On Dsi

trout fillet with citrus - FAST!

Hello everyone!
I always go on the hunt for fast food ..... the latter is prepared in a moment.
E 'healthy, nutritious and light. Will also use the juice of citrus fruits that are so good to our health.

Ingredients: 4 trout fillets

2 lemons and an orange oil
garlic, parsley and salt to taste white wine
Middle vicchio

Squeeze lemons and oranges, strain the juice. Prepare a
salmoriglio crushed garlic with olive oil and lots of parsley tritatato.
Mix the two preparations, salt.
Pour all the threads that have been placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Maybe you can prepare them in advance and keep them in the fridge to make them even more flavor.
Before baking, pour in the wine on the threads.
Bake at 150 ^ for 15 minutes.
Bon appetit, Debora


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