Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Does Aspirin Do For The Kidneys


The principal prohibits participation in a trip down a student's boyfriend and fellow rebel, refusing to make the trip without their partner and thus getting 'the release of the young disabled. The story is' Advocate Ida Mendicino was announced that and 'the head of the Regional Coordination of Calabria for inclusive education. The incident dates back to last January and it 'happened in a middle school in Catanzaro.
The boy down the center of the story and it 'always well integrated into' school, earning, thanks to the work of support teachers, a good profit. Plus' has a good relationship with other students, who have always helped and surrounded with great affection. That is why the head teacher's decision to exclude him from the trip caused the rebellion of the companions, who were able to do so eventually readmitted to the trip, which was' done regularly thereafter. The controversial leader of the initiative, among other things, it also raised the reaction of the parents of the boy down, who reported the story to the police. The lawyer Mendicino defines the behavior of the student's companions''an important sign of change in a generation often accused of excessive individualism and lack a sense of solidarity'''and''addresses a cheer to the children, which proved - states - true hope of maturation of the social fabric than the examples often come from the adult world.'' The behavior of the principal, among other things, according to the lawyer Mendicino, viola notes to the effect that''ministerial trips are an opportunity 'for the promotion of fundamental relational development and training for every student and for the implementation of the process of school integration of disabled students in the full exercise of the right to study.'' Following its decision to exclude the student from the trip down, the manager, said even Ida Mendicino, has aggravated its position to the teachers expressing their intention not to authorize any future release of the student with Down syndrome. Plus' the manager asked the classmates of the boy not to know the dates of the trips in programming this application, the lack of capacity 'of young disabled people to learn because of his disability' genetics. Behavior which was offset by the significant reaction of the classmates of the boy down.


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