Monday, February 28, 2011

Rape In Bus And Train

LEARN FROM IT ... nonsense (letter to friend)

Hello! You know what has happened in our school? NO RIGHT? Now you tell.
We usually are calm and not make trouble, but this time ... of our Company, during a boring lecture, had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bwriting on the bathroom doors of the girls questions and answers are not always polite and kind.
This has been going on for a bit 'of time, the interval that some girls were going to read the "News school.
Many girls had mistaken the interior doors to boards, to the point that some of them the other day they were going to the bathroom normally, without writing anything, have been accused by others who have made the light ! Prof and the staff have to be summoned to explain the reasons behind this act of pure hooliganism "and have been told that the doors were used to exchange messages.
The girls were most severely scolded, but immediately asked sorry, have cleaned the bathrooms, wrote a letter in which he apologized for not understanding that the rules are always respected, that the respect for the facilities that belong to the community should be, if possible, greater than the respect due to their "things" and they understood it was wrong.
From this nonsense (not to be taken, for example) have learned that it is better to listen to the lessons boring than writing about the bathrooms!

We do not recommend the experience! E 'was pretty humbling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some girls in sixth grade

the doors of the bathrooms should always be kept well !!!!!!!!!!!!


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