Friday, February 11, 2011

Men Faky Pavel Novotny

About Henry

boom of 1978, they know all those who love athletics. E 'history. Four world records in 81 days writing a page of history of middle distance: 3000 meters, 3000 Hedge, 5000 and 10000. For us, that we eat quell'atletica, Henry Rono was a myth now. When he returned to break the silence with a new world record on the 5000, 1981, no one could imagine that he had already slipped the road to hell. It was already an alcoholic, even if the problem pretty well hidden. An unstoppable descent, and extremely steep. He himself said that he did that record by 81 hours after being released from a hangover mountainous.
had a method, the sample. Sleep long after booze, running outdoors to dispose of. But with time taken to sleep longer and longer, and to take less and less. The races was as the shadow of the champion he had been. When unable to attend. He began to lose money, real friends and presumed certainty, dignity.

The third millennium found him all alone at the bottom of the scale of values \u200b\u200bof a society that had made an idol and then he had forgotten in a hurry. After several hospitalizations in rehabilitation clinics and some troubles with the law, lived in a shelter for homeless in Washington. His physique, 63 pounds the happy days of the race, it was cumbersome. Henry was traveling around the pounds, had empty pockets and zero prospects. "The lowest point of my life," he said after the rediscovery and rebirth. "I do not I could do nothing but rise. Otherwise I would have died. "

Airport Albuquerque. The sighting dates back to 2000. Sull'Albuquerque A photo Journal, an unexpected find. He ended up there, Henry Rono, to make a porter in the heart of New Mexico. After had made cleaner, after working at a car wash. menial, even what he was allowed. When it was presented to the Nike headquarters to beg for a job, he was the testimonial of the royal in its heyday, it had taken back to the door.

There, in Albuquerque, began its second life. Rono now teaches boys athletics at a school. swear to not touch a bottle for five years. He wrote an autobiography, "Olympic Dream", telling of the dream that was broken twice in 1976 and 1980, for the Olympic boycotts of Kenya. He started to run: more than an hour every morning at five, often "doubled" the daily training in the evening. It attacks the number in the races for masters. 59 years old today and has rebuilt a life. "I appreciated what I did in the past, I think I did well. What I could do was to live, managing my money, administer fame. I was a boy of Africa, helpless, for the first time before the world . A life difficult to deal with. But I served, and I learned my lesson. "

Henry Rono is far less than imagined. You can find on the site You can even interact with him on the forum, where daily updates her diary as an athlete (master) found. He responds with grace to those who approached him, at least virtually.

Maybe it's a success story.


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